I've been away for a while... Tons of projects got me down. I'll update my profile soon. I just erased it all on a whim. And there's more fanart to follow. All I gootta say is... New girl week = Stunning.
Today my hair turned one year old. I haven't had a haircut since last valentines day. Well, it's been trimmed a little and there, but nothing significant. My intent is to let it grow. I figure that in another 6 months or so I should have enough for a small ponytail. Right now it's in that awkward phase where it's hanging in my face. The... Read More
Paz is very very cool I love the bit where in the video to Judith she stops playing for the break + then ties her hair up. She finishes just in time to start playing again - it's a classic
But, my favourite will always either be Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth) or Tina Weymouth (Talking Heads). Mostly because they were stepping up and being women rockgirls when there were hardly any women in music at all
I'm working on an animation project tonight. It's due at 9am tomorrow, so I'm not sleeping until it's done. I'm gonna make a big thermos of chai and head over to the lab. Wish me luck.
If you want your caracature done, anime style, just let me know. I'll put ya on the list.
Anyhowz, life just ain't very exciting these days... Oh, don't get me wrong, I've got plenty to do... It's just all completely mundane shite. You know what I mean?
It would be nice to have a girlfriend... but the few that I find interesting are already taken,... Read More
I'm planning on butsin' a few of those out every week, school workload permitting of course. Don't be surprised if you see yourself animeized too!
Hmmm... I'd been tossing around the idea of subscribing for a while. Finally did it today. Bug convinced me! I feel like a perv, but wtf,who cares? It's my money. Id rather support these ladies who have some spirit and originality than some cookie cutter barbie doll look alikes and Hugh Hefner... Isn't he rich enough?
Anyhow, from what I've seen so far, I... Read More
Cherry xx