Full time job for bills.(check.)
Part time job for extra cash.(check.)
1/2 owner small buisness to say I'm doing something.(check.)
good kids at least 30% of the time. (check.)
Gaddamn, theres no wonder I won't let the BF keep clothes on when I see him.
He snuck to see me Wensday night, and didn't get here till like 2am I think. I had to have it three times before sleep, and thrice more as of Thursday morn...I tried to make him stay but we both had to work. So alas...I must wait.
On a different subject.
I quit snorting pills, and fell back on smoking the hippie shit again.
But its cheaper. Last longer. And also makes me horny.
Who can argue with any of that???????????
Not I. Not I.
Q for everyone. I need some opinions.
What do you think is an ample amount of time after starting to date some one, to move in together?
Keep in mind kids, location( will have to move at least 20 mins away[not a bad thing really for me, but for school with them]), and that right now I only see him regularly once a week.
hummm. yep. I'm torn.
Full time job for bills.(check.)
Part time job for extra cash.(check.)
1/2 owner small buisness to say I'm doing something.(check.)
good kids at least 30% of the time. (check.)
Gaddamn, theres no wonder I won't let the BF keep clothes on when I see him.
He snuck to see me Wensday night, and didn't get here till like 2am I think. I had to have it three times before sleep, and thrice more as of Thursday morn...I tried to make him stay but we both had to work. So alas...I must wait.
On a different subject.
I quit snorting pills, and fell back on smoking the hippie shit again.
But its cheaper. Last longer. And also makes me horny.
Who can argue with any of that???????????
Not I. Not I.
Q for everyone. I need some opinions.
What do you think is an ample amount of time after starting to date some one, to move in together?
Keep in mind kids, location( will have to move at least 20 mins away[not a bad thing really for me, but for school with them]), and that right now I only see him regularly once a week.
hummm. yep. I'm torn.

i dont know what ample time is in that case i feel it depends on maturity and level of commitment. and i dunno why i suddenly think this it just popped into my head
Ha ha I think it would be a good idea as long as you dont get jelous of the guitars and stay out of the kitchen its mine damnit . And can deal with the long night sex and morning and when ever I think you would do fine .