Today I overslept.
Might as well do it while I can. I start another new job on Mon.
Hey Justice....three jobs now, and two kids.
I'm gonna go nuts with you now.
I'm planning my first SGKY trip as we speak. It's totally gonna rock. We're gonna do the 'nature' thing. Caves, kayaking....hiking. That sorta' stuff. My sorta' stuff.
FYI: I got married barefoot and pregnant on a creek bank with violins playing 6 yrs ago.
WOW didn't realise it had been that long. I've been a widow for three yrs now.
Thats so strange.
So, anywho my work sched....its going to be fine except on thurs when I work from 9am to 8pm. yuck. At leats its not eariler, and at least I can still go home, read a story, and tuck my babies in.

Hey Justice....three jobs now, and two kids.

I'm gonna go nuts with you now.
I'm planning my first SGKY trip as we speak. It's totally gonna rock. We're gonna do the 'nature' thing. Caves, kayaking....hiking. That sorta' stuff. My sorta' stuff.
FYI: I got married barefoot and pregnant on a creek bank with violins playing 6 yrs ago.

Thats so strange.
So, anywho my work sched....its going to be fine except on thurs when I work from 9am to 8pm. yuck. At leats its not eariler, and at least I can still go home, read a story, and tuck my babies in.

not gunna post a new Journal untell I get back home... is in San Deigo tell Tuesday nightso may not have a new journal up untell Wednesday... give or take... will be checking my emails though... I sent a email to Jason to try and figure out what was up with his account and even contacted Al myself on his behalf so lets hope that all this busniess gets straightened out fast... He also talked with me about doing something else to get his account back but told him to just hold off on doing anything untell Al or one of the other techs from SG can get ahold of him and see what the heck is going on... so lets hope that what I have done hepls him some... well I have to go for now tc will be keeping up on mail but not SG cause well... I shouldnt even be on SG with this comp lol will tell you why in an emaill
Hurray for oversleeping! My sister and I go mullet hunting every couple weeks... I think next time I'll try the flea market and take my camera and post pic's of my mullet specimens...