So. In retrospect, alot has happened this year so far.
I quit my job. January 6th, to be exact. I was becoming so stressed, that I was even yelling at my children at home more, and more often. Boss lady was constantly pumping me for personal info on other employees, which I never fell for. I had became a marter for the mistakes happening around me, in order to keep the weaker personality teacher from the wrath of a boss on adapex and a strick diet. Believe me people, she had fire coming out of her nose one minute, and horns hiding beneath her hair the next. On the 6th, State emloyees showed up to check the school, and shockingly, I got dumped dirty dishes, trash, paperwork, and unlabelled bottles all thrown at me at once within five minutes of when I was supposed to have lunch out. with at least 5 broken laws cast across the counter where I prepared lunch, I started having a breakdown. I worked 7 hours straight that day, under those circumstances, with no break, covering everyones asses, just to be yelled at for making my oldest son try three bites of his lunch in front of a state official.
I told her a gave up, and finnally walked away. A load had been lifted...
Troy, better known as Twizzler moved out, but at least with a very good reason. He moved to Louisville. Better job, more oppritunity, and fhis family are all there. He's only worked there a month, and already recieved a raise. Besides, who can resist a salary, a comp car, and laptop of choice. I would have went too. In fact I plan on moving up there with him as soon as Skyler finishes this school yr. I'm confident I go back to managing a place for more than minimum wage. Ya think??? Well, anyway things are looking up. I love him, and I have his back. He works four 10 to 12hr days, and comes back here to visit for a couple of days, so I don't go crazy.
On another note, I took some lead from darling69 and have decieded to get healthy. I'm worked out lightly for two weeks now, 3 days a week. More water, less soda. Trail mix, vegetables, and salad instead of the red meat I like, or the fries and pizza my kids always want...its kinda tough not to sneak the food I fix them, but I'm working on it. Besides, I let myself eat that type of food once a week right now as long as I make up for it later in the day with a extra set of each exercise, or a walk the next morning. 15 pounds dropped and I'll be a happy camper!
Spring break is this week for my boys, They are going with their Nana and Poppy camping from Wens to Sunday. I think I need a break as bad as they do. So, I will be traveling to Louisville to spend the time with Troy. That is, till Saterday. Saterday night, me and 8 of my childhood girlfriends (also my myspace hoes. lol) are going out for drinking and romping till the wee hours....also something I need. I can't wait for my time off. I love my kids, but I gave up most of my teenage yrs for them, and I forget what its like to just be able to think about myself sometimes. I need this refresher.
I hope everyone is do good, and I'll try and come back to check on everyone very soon.
I quit my job. January 6th, to be exact. I was becoming so stressed, that I was even yelling at my children at home more, and more often. Boss lady was constantly pumping me for personal info on other employees, which I never fell for. I had became a marter for the mistakes happening around me, in order to keep the weaker personality teacher from the wrath of a boss on adapex and a strick diet. Believe me people, she had fire coming out of her nose one minute, and horns hiding beneath her hair the next. On the 6th, State emloyees showed up to check the school, and shockingly, I got dumped dirty dishes, trash, paperwork, and unlabelled bottles all thrown at me at once within five minutes of when I was supposed to have lunch out. with at least 5 broken laws cast across the counter where I prepared lunch, I started having a breakdown. I worked 7 hours straight that day, under those circumstances, with no break, covering everyones asses, just to be yelled at for making my oldest son try three bites of his lunch in front of a state official.
I told her a gave up, and finnally walked away. A load had been lifted...
Troy, better known as Twizzler moved out, but at least with a very good reason. He moved to Louisville. Better job, more oppritunity, and fhis family are all there. He's only worked there a month, and already recieved a raise. Besides, who can resist a salary, a comp car, and laptop of choice. I would have went too. In fact I plan on moving up there with him as soon as Skyler finishes this school yr. I'm confident I go back to managing a place for more than minimum wage. Ya think??? Well, anyway things are looking up. I love him, and I have his back. He works four 10 to 12hr days, and comes back here to visit for a couple of days, so I don't go crazy.

On another note, I took some lead from darling69 and have decieded to get healthy. I'm worked out lightly for two weeks now, 3 days a week. More water, less soda. Trail mix, vegetables, and salad instead of the red meat I like, or the fries and pizza my kids always want...its kinda tough not to sneak the food I fix them, but I'm working on it. Besides, I let myself eat that type of food once a week right now as long as I make up for it later in the day with a extra set of each exercise, or a walk the next morning. 15 pounds dropped and I'll be a happy camper!

Spring break is this week for my boys, They are going with their Nana and Poppy camping from Wens to Sunday. I think I need a break as bad as they do. So, I will be traveling to Louisville to spend the time with Troy. That is, till Saterday. Saterday night, me and 8 of my childhood girlfriends (also my myspace hoes. lol) are going out for drinking and romping till the wee hours....also something I need. I can't wait for my time off. I love my kids, but I gave up most of my teenage yrs for them, and I forget what its like to just be able to think about myself sometimes. I need this refresher.
I hope everyone is do good, and I'll try and come back to check on everyone very soon.


I was able to lose weight- 25 pounds- simply by changing what I ate and sticking with it. The important thing is not to beat yourself up too badly on occasions when you slip up and overindulge, or eat ssomething that's not so good for you. Just start over the next day.