So I realize that this is unbelievably soon for me to update my journal again, (especially since no one read the last one) but I actually got out of the house and did stuff, which warrants an update. Yesterday, the lovely Tarnish and I went out to my mom's house to feed her cats while she's out of town. We did some laundry and watched cable tv. But then at around 9, we drove through the dark wilderness of corona for CHI's birthday party. When we got there it turned out some of her old friends from high school were there, since CHI's roommate is one of Tarnish's old best friends from high school. The night started off simple, a little beer and a couple bowls, Tarnish catching up with old friends while I nursed my one beer (not a big drinker) and put faces to names. A little later though, things got a lot more interesting. Lets just say that a scrawny guy almost got the shit beat out of him by a rather loud gentleman. More drama ensued from there, which served to keep things interesting, but no one got hit. That's a good thing, because I'm not about the drama, which is also why I don't post much on SG (I keed I keed). Then later, CHI got much cake to the face, which is a birthday tradition I wasn't previously familiar with. I felt bad for her though, because she washed up and changed her shirt, then got hit with like a whole other cake. Later we talked to them about buying a car, which would be fucking awesome of them (we're gonna go back in a couple of days to check the car out up close) .We ended up hanging around until like 1:30 and then went back to my mom's house to sleep, since the drive back to our house was too long for how late it was. All in all a very eventful night, and I hope to be able to visit with some of those people again soon (but not the drunken, violent ones).

much love derek, it's never easy n i know it hurts
*gives you a comforting hug*