So my birthday actually turned out pretty cool. We went to this "family fun center" type place near my mom's house called Scandia. It turned out to be pretty ghetto there, but we played some videogames and miniature golf, and Tarnish hit a few in the batting cages. Then we went back to my mom's house where they gave me my gift: a friggin' PSP!! I had wanted one but it's kinda pricey so I figured I wouldn't get one, but damned if I did. My mom, my bro, and the lovely Tarnish all pitched in to get it for me, and the thing is beautiful. I still haven't bought any games for it, but I can check games out for free from my work, so I don't really need to yet. On the work front, we got a new DM a month or so ago, and the guy is seriously getting on my nerves. He's an ex-marine and I think he's trying to run his district like it's the military, which it certainly isn't (no offense to you military types). That, and I found out he told my store manager to write me up for not doing some little task that was written down for me to do. This task would've been done, but my manager's grandfather past away and he took a few days off, leaving me with an extremely busy week to manage. So I'm rather pissed about that. And on that note, off to work I go

I love you babe, fuck that guy, if he keeps making nate write you guys up for such menial shit he's going to be in a world of hurt when everyone quits.