It seems I owe bank of america a bunch of money, and I don't make enough to just up and pay them back. They said I could make payments, but I need a checking account, which I don't have. So I went to washington mutual, but I apparently need 2 forms of ID to sign up, and I don't have a 2nd form of ID that they'd accept. They apparently will accept a store credit card, and I have a macy's card I've never used, but it's still at my mom's house in one of my many boxes. So now I have to see if I can send away for another card I'll never use so that I can get a checking account, so that I can pay off what I owe. On the bright side, I did my taxes and I'm getting everything I paid back.
How's it going with you?

It seems I owe bank of america a bunch of money, and I don't make enough to just up and pay them back. They said I could make payments, but I need a checking account, which I don't have. So I went to washington mutual, but I apparently need 2 forms of ID to sign up, and I don't have a 2nd form of ID that they'd accept. They apparently will accept a store credit card, and I have a macy's card I've never used, but it's still at my mom's house in one of my many boxes. So now I have to see if I can send away for another card I'll never use so that I can get a checking account, so that I can pay off what I owe. On the bright side, I did my taxes and I'm getting everything I paid back.
How's it going with you?
Hey! You finally saw my set - right on! Thank you for the compliment!

I hate banks. I used to work at one a couple years ago so I know first hand exactly how incompetant the staff at banks can be. And I try to convince myself of the same all the time. Only problem is I'm not a good enough debator to convince myself.