Sometimes life sucks. And then sometimes life sucks more than that. So I closed yesterday at work, which means 2-10pm. At about 5:30 I noticed it was raining kinda hard outside. No big deal, I parked close by. So the guy I had working with me goes in the back room, and comes back out laughing. Basically, the roof was leaking and our back room was slowly flooding. And I'm not talking about a leak where you can just put a bowl or trash can underneath to catch it. It was running down the walls, splashing onto our UPS machine, and once it got to the floor it was making its way toward the room where we keep our systems, as well as the area we have accessories, some of which are on the ground. So me and this guy are frantically moving boxes and sopping up water with promo t-shirts (sorry ninja gaiden), trying to protect the valuables, while calling the store manager. He finally gets there at about 9pm as we're closing the store for the night, and I basically left him there fixing it. Later that night he calls me at home to tell me to come in early today because there's a big pile of stuff in the main area of the store, and I'm going to need to make 2 piles in the back (assuming the floor is dry): one pile for dry stuff, one for ruined stuff. So instead of coming in at 9am I'd need to come in at like 8:15. Ok fine. MEanwhile we had a guest over last night (some girl that Tarnish met online, she smoked us out, which was nice considering I'd never met the girl) who didn't leave until around 1am. I then proceeded to play Gunbound until around 3:30 (goddamn that game is addictive) and I didn't actually fall asleep until maybe 4am (as much as I love sleeping, I never want to actually go to sleep). Before I went to sleep I made sure to set my alarm extra early for the morning.
So after a night of dreamless sleep (I hardly ever dream anymore) I wake up to the phone ringing and Nikki nudging me. I open my eyes and the first thing I notice is that it's 10:30!
So not only did I not go in an hour early, but I got to work about a half hour after I was supposed to open the store. My store manager wasn't mad at me, but the company policy is to give a "last and final" for a late store opening so now if I ever open late again I'm essentially fired. I thought it was a last and final in the sense that if I ever get written up for ANYTHING again I'd be fired, but luckily it only counts for late openings. Meanwhile, I didn't find that out until he came in to work at around 2pm, so I spent the whole morning freaking out. On the bright side, he's not making a big deal out of it, and he even let me go home an hour early (a rather standard practice of the managers at our store). So all in all it could've been much much worse, but at the time it friggin' sucked.
On that note, how was your weekend/monday/tuesday?
So after a night of dreamless sleep (I hardly ever dream anymore) I wake up to the phone ringing and Nikki nudging me. I open my eyes and the first thing I notice is that it's 10:30!

On that note, how was your weekend/monday/tuesday?

aww thanks. I like my hair and I love my kitties!