I'm bored...
- Straight/gay/bi? bi
- Single? married
- Want to be? want to be which? I want to be married
- Your birth date: 6-5-79
- Your age: 24
- Age you act: well I spend my days smoking weed and playing videogames, so whatever age that is
- Age you wish you were: old enough to play videogames and smoke weed, but not old enough to have to pay bills and shit
- Your height: 6'4"
- The color of your eyes: blue
- Happy with them? well I'd like to be able to see in 3d, but otherwise yes
- The color of your hair: clearish
- Happy with it? sure
- Left/right/ambidextrous? lefty
- Your living arrangement? I'm alive
- Your family: most of them are alive too
- Have any pets? crazy bastard dog
- What's your job: selling violent videogames to children
- Piercings? nope
- Tattoos? nope
- Addictions? videogames
- Do you speak another language? nope
- Have a favorite quote? "Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you." -Kurt Cobain
- Do you have a webpage? not for several years now
DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
- Do you live in the moment? I live 3.248 seconds after the moment
- Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? if they're not idiots, sure
- Do you have any secrets? probably
- Do you hate yourself? sometimes
- Do you like your handwriting? I write like either a small child or a serial killer, so yes
- Do you have any bad habits? ask Tarnish
- What is the compliment you get most from people? you look like a viking
- If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? Stop Sitting there and do something damnit!
- What's your biggest fear? I've got lots
- Can you sing? kinda
- Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? look at me, who am I pretending to be?
- Are you a loner? sometimes
- What are your no. 1 priorities in life? Tarnish
- If you were another person, would you be friends with you? nope
- Are you a daredevil? nope
- Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? I fear too much, and I'm funny looking
- Are you passive or aggressive? passive, but with lots of suppressed rage
- Have you got a journal? aren't you reading it?
- What is your greatest strength and weakness? sense of humor / food
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I'd like to be able to fly
- There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity. You can only drink out of one: well I've got love, and I'm mildly creative, so I guess beauty
- How do you vent? with a fan
- Do you think you are emotionally strong? nope
- Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? that's another journal entry
- Do you think life has been good so far? at times
- What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? don't eat yellow snow
- What do you like the most about your body? lol
- And least? heh
- Do you think you are good looking? nope
- Are you confident? you haven't figured that out yet?
- What is the fictional character you're most like? any number of people in the background of any movie
- Do people know how you feel? I kinda hope not, they might be offended
- Are you perceived wrongly? I wouldn't doubt it
- Smoke? pot
- Do drugs? pot's not a drug, so no
- Read the newspaper? nope
- Pray? nope
- Go to church? nope
- Talk to strangers who IM you? I rarely get IM's from anyone, let alone strangers
- Sleep with stuffed animals? only when my dog has eaten too much
- Take walks in the rain? I walked home in the rain plenty during high school, so not lately
- Talk to people even though you hate them? only one or two of my coworkers
- Drive? yep
- Like to drive fast? only when I'm nervous about something
- Liked your voice? yes
- Hurt yourself? kinda
- Been out of the country? canada and TJ
- Eaten something that made other people sick? everything makes someone sick
- Had sex? since I'm married how sad would a no answer be?
- Been unfaithful? nope
- Been in love? ask my wife
- Done drugs? are you high? you already asked me that
- Gone skinny dipping? not that I recall
- Had a medical emergency? nope
- Had a surgery? I've had my wisdom teeth removed, as well as another tooth removal where there were 3 teeth in one spot...stupid mouth
- Ran away from home? once but it only lasted for about an hour when I realized I had no friends or money
- Played strip poker? only on the computer (how sad)
- Gotten beaten up? yep
- Beaten someone up? once I realized I could fight back, yes
- Been picked on? I grew up in a neighborhood where I was the only white guy, and a glow in the dark white guy at that, so yes
- Been on stage? yep
- Slept outdoors? yep
- Thought about suicide? all day everyday for about 5 years
- Pulled an all-nighter? I guess you could call it that
- Gone one day without food? HAH!
- Talked on the phone all night? yep
- Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first? I don't think so, unless being in the same room counts
- Slept all day? I don't like daylight, so I sleep during most days
- Made out with a stranger? nope
- Had sex with a stranger? nope
- Thought you're going crazy? I accepted it when I was about 7
- Kissed the same sex? yep
- Been betrayed? lots of times
- Broken the law? I smoke weed don't I?
- Have you ever killed an animal by accident? I set a cage down on my friend's pet rat when I was a kid
- On purpose? do bugs count?
- Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? probably, when I was younger
- Stolen anything? yep
- Been on radio/TV? yep
- Been in a mosh-pit? yep
- Had a nervous breakdown? I don't think so
- Considered religious vocation? heellllll no
CLOTHES and other fashion
- Current shoe brand? Vans, I think
- Cologne/perfume? Very Sexy for men (lol)
- Wear hats? nope, just the occasional beanie
- Judge other people by their clothing? nope
- Wear make-up? no
- Favorite place to shop? gamestop (employee discount baby!)
- Favorite article of clothing? if I wasn't ashamed of my body, I'd go nude
- Are you trendy? not even close
- Would you rather wear a uniform to school? school?
- Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? yep
- Who is your best friend? Tarnish
- Who's the one person that knows most about you? Tarnish
- What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? sit down and shut up
- Thing you're picked on most about? being stubborn
- Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? no
- Do you remember your first love? yep
- Still love him/her? not in the same way, but I wish her well
- Do you consider love a mistake? nope
- What do you find romantic? sandwiches
- Turn-on? Tarnish
- Turn-off? our president
- First kiss? what about it?
- If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? flattered and uncomfortable
- Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? not in my eyes
- Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? I doubt it
- What is best about the opposite sex? they smell nice
- What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? they get mad when you walk up and start sniffing them
- Do you read porn? I watch porn with Tarnish
- Read the articles? I had a subscription to playboy and actually yes, I was generally more interested in the articles...the pictures bored me
- Just the pics? the ones here are nice
- What's the last present someone gave you? a nice fat sack
- Are you in love? I could swear you've already asked me that, but yes I am
- What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk? look at him/her and then go on with my life
- What do you dislike most? idiocy
- You wanted to kill? there are so many
- That you laughed at? I dunno
- That laughed at you? to my face? I dunno
- That turned you on? that'd be Tarnish
- You went shopping with? Tarnish
- That broke your heart? my last girlfriend
- To disappoint you? almost everyone I meet
- To ask you out? Tarnish was the first and last
- To make you cry? me
- To brighten up your day? Tarnish
- That you thought about? well I keep answering Tarnish, so her
- You talked to on the phone? my boss
- You kissed? Tarnish
- You talked to through IM/ICQ? my mom, I think
- You saw? I'm looking at Tarnish right now
- You lost? my old best friend
- You went head over heels for? yep, Tarnish
- You wanted to be? I don't really want to be anyone
- You told to fuck off? it's been so long
- You trusted? again, TARNISH
- You turned down? turned down for what?
- Smiled? earlier today
- Laughed? earlier
- Cried? I don't really remember
- Danced? I'm an uncoordinated white guy
- Were sarcastic? constantly
- Kissed someone? kiss me Tarnish
- Talked to an ex? long ass time ago
- Had a nightmare? I don't usually dream at all
- Talked on the phone? earlier today, remember?
- Listened to the radio? on the drive home today
- Watched TV? it's on now
- Went out? out to dinner earlier
- Were mean? I'm such a dick
- Sang? before work today
- Saw a movie? in the theater? it's been awhile
- Said "I love you"? 'bout 15 minutes ago
- Missed someone? I miss the friends I don't have anymore
- Fought with a family member? I dunno
- Had a serious conversation? last night
- Smoked weed? its been too fucking long...like a week
- Got drunk? months and months ago
Christ that was long.
- Straight/gay/bi? bi
- Single? married
- Want to be? want to be which? I want to be married
- Your birth date: 6-5-79
- Your age: 24
- Age you act: well I spend my days smoking weed and playing videogames, so whatever age that is
- Age you wish you were: old enough to play videogames and smoke weed, but not old enough to have to pay bills and shit
- Your height: 6'4"
- The color of your eyes: blue
- Happy with them? well I'd like to be able to see in 3d, but otherwise yes
- The color of your hair: clearish
- Happy with it? sure
- Left/right/ambidextrous? lefty
- Your living arrangement? I'm alive
- Your family: most of them are alive too
- Have any pets? crazy bastard dog
- What's your job: selling violent videogames to children
- Piercings? nope
- Tattoos? nope
- Addictions? videogames
- Do you speak another language? nope
- Have a favorite quote? "Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you." -Kurt Cobain
- Do you have a webpage? not for several years now
DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
- Do you live in the moment? I live 3.248 seconds after the moment
- Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? if they're not idiots, sure
- Do you have any secrets? probably
- Do you hate yourself? sometimes
- Do you like your handwriting? I write like either a small child or a serial killer, so yes
- Do you have any bad habits? ask Tarnish
- What is the compliment you get most from people? you look like a viking
- If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? Stop Sitting there and do something damnit!
- What's your biggest fear? I've got lots
- Can you sing? kinda
- Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? look at me, who am I pretending to be?
- Are you a loner? sometimes
- What are your no. 1 priorities in life? Tarnish
- If you were another person, would you be friends with you? nope
- Are you a daredevil? nope
- Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? I fear too much, and I'm funny looking
- Are you passive or aggressive? passive, but with lots of suppressed rage
- Have you got a journal? aren't you reading it?
- What is your greatest strength and weakness? sense of humor / food
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I'd like to be able to fly
- There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity. You can only drink out of one: well I've got love, and I'm mildly creative, so I guess beauty
- How do you vent? with a fan
- Do you think you are emotionally strong? nope
- Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? that's another journal entry
- Do you think life has been good so far? at times
- What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? don't eat yellow snow
- What do you like the most about your body? lol
- And least? heh
- Do you think you are good looking? nope
- Are you confident? you haven't figured that out yet?
- What is the fictional character you're most like? any number of people in the background of any movie
- Do people know how you feel? I kinda hope not, they might be offended
- Are you perceived wrongly? I wouldn't doubt it
- Smoke? pot
- Do drugs? pot's not a drug, so no
- Read the newspaper? nope
- Pray? nope
- Go to church? nope
- Talk to strangers who IM you? I rarely get IM's from anyone, let alone strangers
- Sleep with stuffed animals? only when my dog has eaten too much
- Take walks in the rain? I walked home in the rain plenty during high school, so not lately
- Talk to people even though you hate them? only one or two of my coworkers
- Drive? yep
- Like to drive fast? only when I'm nervous about something
- Liked your voice? yes
- Hurt yourself? kinda
- Been out of the country? canada and TJ
- Eaten something that made other people sick? everything makes someone sick
- Had sex? since I'm married how sad would a no answer be?
- Been unfaithful? nope
- Been in love? ask my wife
- Done drugs? are you high? you already asked me that
- Gone skinny dipping? not that I recall
- Had a medical emergency? nope
- Had a surgery? I've had my wisdom teeth removed, as well as another tooth removal where there were 3 teeth in one spot...stupid mouth
- Ran away from home? once but it only lasted for about an hour when I realized I had no friends or money
- Played strip poker? only on the computer (how sad)
- Gotten beaten up? yep
- Beaten someone up? once I realized I could fight back, yes
- Been picked on? I grew up in a neighborhood where I was the only white guy, and a glow in the dark white guy at that, so yes
- Been on stage? yep
- Slept outdoors? yep
- Thought about suicide? all day everyday for about 5 years
- Pulled an all-nighter? I guess you could call it that
- Gone one day without food? HAH!
- Talked on the phone all night? yep
- Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first? I don't think so, unless being in the same room counts
- Slept all day? I don't like daylight, so I sleep during most days
- Made out with a stranger? nope
- Had sex with a stranger? nope
- Thought you're going crazy? I accepted it when I was about 7
- Kissed the same sex? yep
- Been betrayed? lots of times
- Broken the law? I smoke weed don't I?
- Have you ever killed an animal by accident? I set a cage down on my friend's pet rat when I was a kid
- On purpose? do bugs count?
- Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? probably, when I was younger
- Stolen anything? yep
- Been on radio/TV? yep
- Been in a mosh-pit? yep
- Had a nervous breakdown? I don't think so
- Considered religious vocation? heellllll no
CLOTHES and other fashion
- Current shoe brand? Vans, I think
- Cologne/perfume? Very Sexy for men (lol)
- Wear hats? nope, just the occasional beanie
- Judge other people by their clothing? nope
- Wear make-up? no
- Favorite place to shop? gamestop (employee discount baby!)
- Favorite article of clothing? if I wasn't ashamed of my body, I'd go nude
- Are you trendy? not even close
- Would you rather wear a uniform to school? school?
- Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? yep
- Who is your best friend? Tarnish
- Who's the one person that knows most about you? Tarnish
- What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? sit down and shut up
- Thing you're picked on most about? being stubborn
- Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? no
- Do you remember your first love? yep
- Still love him/her? not in the same way, but I wish her well
- Do you consider love a mistake? nope
- What do you find romantic? sandwiches
- Turn-on? Tarnish
- Turn-off? our president
- First kiss? what about it?
- If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? flattered and uncomfortable
- Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? not in my eyes
- Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? I doubt it
- What is best about the opposite sex? they smell nice
- What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? they get mad when you walk up and start sniffing them
- Do you read porn? I watch porn with Tarnish
- Read the articles? I had a subscription to playboy and actually yes, I was generally more interested in the articles...the pictures bored me
- Just the pics? the ones here are nice
- What's the last present someone gave you? a nice fat sack
- Are you in love? I could swear you've already asked me that, but yes I am
- What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk? look at him/her and then go on with my life
- What do you dislike most? idiocy
- You wanted to kill? there are so many
- That you laughed at? I dunno
- That laughed at you? to my face? I dunno
- That turned you on? that'd be Tarnish
- You went shopping with? Tarnish
- That broke your heart? my last girlfriend
- To disappoint you? almost everyone I meet
- To ask you out? Tarnish was the first and last
- To make you cry? me
- To brighten up your day? Tarnish
- That you thought about? well I keep answering Tarnish, so her
- You talked to on the phone? my boss
- You kissed? Tarnish
- You talked to through IM/ICQ? my mom, I think
- You saw? I'm looking at Tarnish right now
- You lost? my old best friend
- You went head over heels for? yep, Tarnish
- You wanted to be? I don't really want to be anyone
- You told to fuck off? it's been so long
- You trusted? again, TARNISH
- You turned down? turned down for what?
- Smiled? earlier today
- Laughed? earlier
- Cried? I don't really remember
- Danced? I'm an uncoordinated white guy
- Were sarcastic? constantly
- Kissed someone? kiss me Tarnish
- Talked to an ex? long ass time ago
- Had a nightmare? I don't usually dream at all
- Talked on the phone? earlier today, remember?
- Listened to the radio? on the drive home today
- Watched TV? it's on now
- Went out? out to dinner earlier
- Were mean? I'm such a dick
- Sang? before work today
- Saw a movie? in the theater? it's been awhile
- Said "I love you"? 'bout 15 minutes ago
- Missed someone? I miss the friends I don't have anymore
- Fought with a family member? I dunno
- Had a serious conversation? last night
- Smoked weed? its been too fucking long...like a week
- Got drunk? months and months ago
Christ that was long.

I have this highlight kit that comes with a base kit that I'm hopeing will get ride of my blackish color. it's more like my natural brown. I SHOULD bleach my hair and dye the tips green. I've always wanted green hair..but never did it. and my work doesnt care since i'm second shift and mostly alone.
soo if this doesnt work, i'm breaking out the bleach!
Strip Club baby Strip Club. That's all I can say.