Holy fuck, 3 updates in less than a month? Only like 3 people read the last one. I hope I don't overload the servers, or we'll all be looking at that old pic of Mary and reading the comment about going out for hot chicks, whilst furiously clicking reload.
Anyway, it would seem that I've been "tagged" by Tarnish and, as I have nothing better to do and she's my only source for sweet lovin', I've decided to oblige. Here goes (also read "I'm sorry in advance"):
Seven things to do before I die:
1. bend the world to my malevolent will
2. get away with a dastardly scheme without the fucking Scooby gang interfering
3. attempt to answer a question seriously
4. magically become not hilarious-looking
5. re-ignite my creativity and write something/start playing music again
6. help overthrow the government, and then make fun of the new people in charge
7. think of something for #7
Seven things I cannot do
1. See in 3D
2. See in 4D
3. See myself in a 38DD (my man-boobs are only B cups thank you)
4. Stop over-analyzing
5. avoid paranoia
6. escape from whoever it is that's following me (see above)
7. think of something for #7 (see last #7)
Seven things that attract me to California
1. Her sense of humor(?)
2. The way she looks when she's sleeping after sex(??)
3. snooty rich white people paying way too much money to live in overly large houses built overly close together, driving their overly large, overly enviornment-destroying SUV's built for but never driven offroad
4. The majestic beauty that is Fontana
5. readily available entertainment, both legal and otherwise
6. the brown sky
7. paying more for gas than most of the rest of the country
Seven things I say most often
1. Aw fuck
2. tomfoolery
3. kill me please, for the love of god do it
4. I want some cookies!
5. Do you see what I did there? No? Hey, come back. Please accept me!
6. Thank you for calling Gamestop, where you can buy and trade used games, this is Derek, how may I help you? (And I have a cheerful voice when I say it. Yes I am a retail whore)
7. Wanna get high?
Seven books (or series) I love
1. Mother's Nightby Kurt Vonnegut
2. anything by Christopher Moore
3. Letters From the Earth by Mark Twain
4. Firestarter by Stephen King
5. Where the Wild Things Are
6. The Giving Tree
7. The Choose Your Own Adventure books (fuck yeah!)
Seven Movies I watch over and over again (or would if I had time)
1. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
2. Fight Club
3. Spaceballs
4. Stewie Griffin the Untold Story (or whatever it's called)
5. Army of Darkness
6. The Fifth Element
7. Airplane!
Seven people I want to join in, too: Uhh, let's see, do I even talk to seven people on here on a regular basis? Ok, edenkitty, CherryBOMB, inthebackseat, Sugarcoma, unique3, lackluster_lo_fi, and MissShell. Sorry to you all
Anyway, it would seem that I've been "tagged" by Tarnish and, as I have nothing better to do and she's my only source for sweet lovin', I've decided to oblige. Here goes (also read "I'm sorry in advance"):
Seven things to do before I die:
1. bend the world to my malevolent will
2. get away with a dastardly scheme without the fucking Scooby gang interfering
3. attempt to answer a question seriously
4. magically become not hilarious-looking
5. re-ignite my creativity and write something/start playing music again
6. help overthrow the government, and then make fun of the new people in charge
7. think of something for #7
Seven things I cannot do
1. See in 3D
2. See in 4D
3. See myself in a 38DD (my man-boobs are only B cups thank you)
4. Stop over-analyzing
5. avoid paranoia
6. escape from whoever it is that's following me (see above)
7. think of something for #7 (see last #7)
Seven things that attract me to California
1. Her sense of humor(?)
2. The way she looks when she's sleeping after sex(??)
3. snooty rich white people paying way too much money to live in overly large houses built overly close together, driving their overly large, overly enviornment-destroying SUV's built for but never driven offroad
4. The majestic beauty that is Fontana
5. readily available entertainment, both legal and otherwise
6. the brown sky
7. paying more for gas than most of the rest of the country
Seven things I say most often
1. Aw fuck
2. tomfoolery
3. kill me please, for the love of god do it
4. I want some cookies!
5. Do you see what I did there? No? Hey, come back. Please accept me!
6. Thank you for calling Gamestop, where you can buy and trade used games, this is Derek, how may I help you? (And I have a cheerful voice when I say it. Yes I am a retail whore)
7. Wanna get high?
Seven books (or series) I love
1. Mother's Nightby Kurt Vonnegut
2. anything by Christopher Moore
3. Letters From the Earth by Mark Twain
4. Firestarter by Stephen King
5. Where the Wild Things Are
6. The Giving Tree
7. The Choose Your Own Adventure books (fuck yeah!)
Seven Movies I watch over and over again (or would if I had time)
1. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
2. Fight Club
3. Spaceballs
4. Stewie Griffin the Untold Story (or whatever it's called)
5. Army of Darkness
6. The Fifth Element
7. Airplane!
Seven people I want to join in, too: Uhh, let's see, do I even talk to seven people on here on a regular basis? Ok, edenkitty, CherryBOMB, inthebackseat, Sugarcoma, unique3, lackluster_lo_fi, and MissShell. Sorry to you all

sure ur on horde hellscream??