Got a huge tax return, which is paying for a laptop for me and a bitchin' (does using that word make me instantly uncool? I kinda hope so, being the grumpy outsider is what I'm used to) chest piece for Tarnish
I'm going to try to update more, but I bore myself, so I don't know that it's fair to subject any of you people to that.
Does anyone know a shady mechanic that can "help" me "pass" my smog test? Goddamn my car is a fucking piece. I should take a picture of it to prove my point, but that might create a wormhole into the universe of the damned, and when that happens my internet starts to cut out and channel 11 stops working on my tv (no mind-numbingly dumb fox programming, so cruel!!).
Anyone still here? Tell me something to ask you about. I'm an exceedingly curious person.

I'm going to try to update more, but I bore myself, so I don't know that it's fair to subject any of you people to that.
Does anyone know a shady mechanic that can "help" me "pass" my smog test? Goddamn my car is a fucking piece. I should take a picture of it to prove my point, but that might create a wormhole into the universe of the damned, and when that happens my internet starts to cut out and channel 11 stops working on my tv (no mind-numbingly dumb fox programming, so cruel!!).
Anyone still here? Tell me something to ask you about. I'm an exceedingly curious person.

awesome. wish my man even briefly would think about spending money on me insted of himself. oh well. I'm claiming rent this year so he can F-off! ahahaha.
Two little potatos are standing on the street corner. One is a prostitute.
How can you tell which one is the prostitute?
It's the one with the little sticker that says...
I - DA - HO