I would make some mildly amusing comment about dusting myself off, but i think i did that last time, and I would hate to be repetitive. I figure if I'm only gonna update once in a blue moon, I should try to keep things fresh. So yeah, I'm alive, and the "i" key on my keyoard is all fucked. Let's see, since my last update, I actually got promoted. I'm now a store manager, which is cool. The only dumb thing about me mentioning this now is that the majority of the people on my friends list are on Tarnish's as well, and she mentioned it when it happened (early november), so it's no big thng to you people. Speaking of no big thing, I have a new set up in the bcb group (hah, see what i did there? you don't? ah screw you guys). Uh, what else? I dunno, the holidays were cool. Retail during the holidays however is no fun. Uhh...Oh, I got an Xbox 360 last week, that's pretty cool. As always I'm typing ths up tryng to thnk of nteresting things to say, and its occuring to me no one reads this, except for the aforementioned Tarnish. So, that being said, if you're not my wife and you're reading this, I'm sorry that I suck. If you're my wife, hi honey

well i think youre aces.

you're such a silly pants. You and your duel meanings and self deprivation. I lurve you.