PBR in a bottle? Absolutely!
I drank plenty of them whilst in Florida. It was nice as always, got to see my awesome family, my awesome mom, and sit and eat delicious food. My grandma even cooked vegetarian food just for me! I miss everyone there already, especially my mom. I always miss her though.
The ride back, however, sucked. Cold, wet, traffic and hangover mixed with lack of sleep makes me not a very happy camper. It wasn't that bad though. I got to ride with my mom's boyfriend, and he's cool.
Let's see. What else? I'm glad to be home, AND I have like 3 people coming to look at my truck tomorrow, so wish me luck and hopefully I'll sell it.
And...I decided that for Xmas, I will be getting my lady her first tattoo machine. W00! Hopefully she'll get awesome and I'll get amazing free tattoos.
I think that's it for now, although I think I'm the only one that reads this.
I drank plenty of them whilst in Florida. It was nice as always, got to see my awesome family, my awesome mom, and sit and eat delicious food. My grandma even cooked vegetarian food just for me! I miss everyone there already, especially my mom. I always miss her though.
The ride back, however, sucked. Cold, wet, traffic and hangover mixed with lack of sleep makes me not a very happy camper. It wasn't that bad though. I got to ride with my mom's boyfriend, and he's cool.
Let's see. What else? I'm glad to be home, AND I have like 3 people coming to look at my truck tomorrow, so wish me luck and hopefully I'll sell it.
And...I decided that for Xmas, I will be getting my lady her first tattoo machine. W00! Hopefully she'll get awesome and I'll get amazing free tattoos.
I think that's it for now, although I think I'm the only one that reads this.
Spelling adjusted. Thanks editor.
One of these days I'll get around to writing in word before I submit on here... but dang it, I really thought my spelling was improving! *sigh*

Ok, that was a typo because I used the dictionary website on that one. Son of a bitch. I need to just copy and paste the big words when I'm this tired.