so hell city was bad ass.
minus my missus getting sick! That sucked.
Saint got a dr suess half sleeve by Nak and it looks AMAZING. We got to meet a TON of artists, watch the freakshows, and hang out in phoenix. Phoenix is fucking HOT. like goddamn hot.
I got my lip pierced while i was there, and the missus got her septum. Anyway I'm sure you're tired of reading, so here's some pics
before she got all flu-like, enjoying a mudslide. Check the cow-lick.
the view from our room
wally with the devil.
the missus grew.
a fluorescent lightbulb being broken on princess anna's ass.
eyesocket weightlifting
wally is short, now even shorter.
Saint shrunk.
this would be my face if i grew tits.
minus my missus getting sick! That sucked.
Saint got a dr suess half sleeve by Nak and it looks AMAZING. We got to meet a TON of artists, watch the freakshows, and hang out in phoenix. Phoenix is fucking HOT. like goddamn hot.
I got my lip pierced while i was there, and the missus got her septum. Anyway I'm sure you're tired of reading, so here's some pics

before she got all flu-like, enjoying a mudslide. Check the cow-lick.

the view from our room

wally with the devil.

the missus grew.

a fluorescent lightbulb being broken on princess anna's ass.

eyesocket weightlifting

wally is short, now even shorter.

Saint shrunk.

this would be my face if i grew tits.