been a while.
Working is a bummer. I'm not used to this whole 9 to 5 thingy. It has taken a toll on my drinking schedule. Oh well. My job is pretty cool, just sit and edit photos all day and upload shit. Go check out experience finder on, thats what Im working on. There are rumors of my promotion already. w00t.
Morgan and I got our tickets for hell city, her and I and wally and Saint will be there, and Saint will b e getting a sleeve done by Nak. So it should be alot of fun. If youre going let me know. We'll chill. Morgan should be shooting a new set soon, so hopefully she'll be an official sg soon.
umm umm umm....I dont know. I guess thats all for now.
Working is a bummer. I'm not used to this whole 9 to 5 thingy. It has taken a toll on my drinking schedule. Oh well. My job is pretty cool, just sit and edit photos all day and upload shit. Go check out experience finder on, thats what Im working on. There are rumors of my promotion already. w00t.
Morgan and I got our tickets for hell city, her and I and wally and Saint will be there, and Saint will b e getting a sleeve done by Nak. So it should be alot of fun. If youre going let me know. We'll chill. Morgan should be shooting a new set soon, so hopefully she'll be an official sg soon.
umm umm umm....I dont know. I guess thats all for now.
YAY for hell city!! Thanks so much for coming with us, i'm so friggin excited you have no idea. I worked a 9-6er friday, it sucked. Welcome to the adult world. But promotions are cool. I call you awesome gf, but she doesn't answer. like tonight. WHERE ARE YOU?