well school has started. woo.
well thats enough about school, check out where im going for spring break!
I booked morgans and my hotel room last night. 3 days, 2 nights in vegas! im so stoked!
I went when i was 15 and that was lame. Now ill get to drink and gamble! woo. Anyone know any cool Vegas SG's?
well thats enough about school, check out where im going for spring break!

I booked morgans and my hotel room last night. 3 days, 2 nights in vegas! im so stoked!
I went when i was 15 and that was lame. Now ill get to drink and gamble! woo. Anyone know any cool Vegas SG's?
2 months is gonna FLY by! That will be sooo awesome for you! You better write how cool it was!!!

hi there I just wanted to let u know I posted pics of the Ed Hardy stuff in the group