god i havent posted in forever! MY bad.
School and work have kept me like ridiculousy busy, so busy, that today I am taking a day off. No school, No work. Just a day to get all the shit done I havent been able to lately. I quit my job at the MacLab because I wasnt making a whole lot of money, it kind of sucks bc I really liked that job. But I got a job as a server at Mastergrill, its like a brazilian steakhouse thing. Its kind of weird working there bc the only food i eat there is the salad and sushi. oh well.
Besides that, morgan and I are doing awesome. I missed her so much when we broke up and she still makes me feel the same way, but better now. I dont hide anything from her and she doesnt hide anything from me. PLUS the sex is AMAZING. so that helps.
Tomorrow is the big halloween party in commerce. I am so stoked. I havent seen the graceland crew in a long time and im ready to. Morgan said shes nervies to meet all my closest friends but i think itll be alright. What should I dress up as?
umm...I think Im starting a new band. YAY. Im tired of playing music i dont like. I have 2 band prospects so Ill see which one i like. ANyway, long post! late!
School and work have kept me like ridiculousy busy, so busy, that today I am taking a day off. No school, No work. Just a day to get all the shit done I havent been able to lately. I quit my job at the MacLab because I wasnt making a whole lot of money, it kind of sucks bc I really liked that job. But I got a job as a server at Mastergrill, its like a brazilian steakhouse thing. Its kind of weird working there bc the only food i eat there is the salad and sushi. oh well.
Besides that, morgan and I are doing awesome. I missed her so much when we broke up and she still makes me feel the same way, but better now. I dont hide anything from her and she doesnt hide anything from me. PLUS the sex is AMAZING. so that helps.
Tomorrow is the big halloween party in commerce. I am so stoked. I havent seen the graceland crew in a long time and im ready to. Morgan said shes nervies to meet all my closest friends but i think itll be alright. What should I dress up as?
umm...I think Im starting a new band. YAY. Im tired of playing music i dont like. I have 2 band prospects so Ill see which one i like. ANyway, long post! late!