alright. internet still isnt up.
idk whats going on with the lady friend. I still like her and care about her, but shes being real distant and its hard to handle. I dont know if she thinks i dont want to be with her, or if shes just trying to get me to break up with her. stupid games.
plus i met a nice lady the other day. and shes hot as all hell. so we will see, im seeing a movie with her friday.
SNAKES ON A MOTHERFUCKIN PLANE!!! if nothing else i get to see the best movie of the year.
i got my ears to 00's. i like it. i think i may stop here, but if not then im going to 1/2". again, we will see.
now i gotta go find a ride home.
idk whats going on with the lady friend. I still like her and care about her, but shes being real distant and its hard to handle. I dont know if she thinks i dont want to be with her, or if shes just trying to get me to break up with her. stupid games.
plus i met a nice lady the other day. and shes hot as all hell. so we will see, im seeing a movie with her friday.
SNAKES ON A MOTHERFUCKIN PLANE!!! if nothing else i get to see the best movie of the year.
i got my ears to 00's. i like it. i think i may stop here, but if not then im going to 1/2". again, we will see.
now i gotta go find a ride home.
You should just be straight up with your girlfriend. Ask her what is going were madly in love with her a week madly in love that you were going to ask her to marry you!! How could this have all changed so quickly?
Does your girl know about this movie date? Cause ill tell you what, i would be pissed off something fierce if i were her. Wouldn't you?
I think it sounds like things got too intense for the both of you and now your both finding ways to put up walls....