alright, doxie, youre right.
im going to wait quite a while before i gauge up my ears. considering today i bought new plugs to wear to work, put them in and such no big deal, then tonight im at a bday party and some guys decide its time to box. me, being the product of an unhealthy upbringing, try to stop them in a friendly way, so one of them decides to take me down, ripping one of them out and making me bleed all over the place.
gah. i know it was an accident but you think he would stop when i said im not going to fight back and told him to stop.
so i think my ears have had enough trauma over the last day that they need to heal up significantly.
other than was a long ass day.
work tomorrow...then i am supposed to drive an hour and a half for another party....ehh...fuck that a bunch of times.
im tired. hopefully i will fall asleep tonight.
morgan will be home soon. it makes me happy. i need her back.
im going to wait quite a while before i gauge up my ears. considering today i bought new plugs to wear to work, put them in and such no big deal, then tonight im at a bday party and some guys decide its time to box. me, being the product of an unhealthy upbringing, try to stop them in a friendly way, so one of them decides to take me down, ripping one of them out and making me bleed all over the place.
gah. i know it was an accident but you think he would stop when i said im not going to fight back and told him to stop.
so i think my ears have had enough trauma over the last day that they need to heal up significantly.
other than was a long ass day.
work tomorrow...then i am supposed to drive an hour and a half for another party....ehh...fuck that a bunch of times.
im tired. hopefully i will fall asleep tonight.
morgan will be home soon. it makes me happy. i need her back.