Well, i guess I have plans of attempting to be far more active on the site. This new setup confuses me, but after a long time of clicking things, i find my way around. Its getting easier as i play around..
So absurd amounts of life changes have happened
1. Got Married
2. Had a baby
3. getting a divorce
so through all these things, and there are hundred more things in between, i have learned a lot. (if you dont you did it wrong) I now am starting a new way of life to better it for me and my daughter. I have started on the organic change in life, i have so far started with food, and working on every other aspect of my life with it. as much as i possibly can. I also have decided to switch to a vegetarian lifestyle. working on vegan, but jeez i love some cheese. I have also started going on hikes with my dog Presley. I try to go once a week, more if i can. I have spent so many years wasting life away partying and sleeping all day. So much i could have been doing instead. I plan to make that change in life. I want a life worth telling people about. I started something like that so long ago, and thought since i did that traveling that my experiences where over. Far from it. I'm on the best adventure ever, and plan to show my daughter how amazing life is. So as soon as my phone is no longer broke, i can also include pictures of these amazing things...