*cough*kthxbi *cough*
j/k i <3 you bud
i figure ill give a decent up date
now my laptop is falling apart and sometimes these buttons do not work
f r c b
so if they are missing. get over it
well monday i move into yet another place. this time my name is on it as well, so no one can kick me out
im stoked but sadly i dont have
anything except a fuckton of tables. pretty much like 3 coffee tables and around 12 in tables. i cant figure out why but i really like buying tables like that.
i could make a bed and couch out of tables hahahah.; it wouldnt be vey comfy
i got a new puppy. its one of zombies babies
we named him skeeter valentine
pictures :
pretty much the most hateful dog ever. if you try to pet him he attacks your hand
and breaks skin everytime.
i call him satan sometimes
alright well thats as much of a blog as i can post the broken buttons are driving me insane.
until next time
the down and dirty
lets cross our fingers and hope he loses.
sad to say but he needs to retire. and his whole body head productions.
and the crappy whatever it is rock punk lame band on his lable really needs to just go ahead and break up.
but really i hope he loses.
cause well i need people to go out to real clubs like where i work and spend money on tittys. not on getting his autograph.
eh just a though