apparently its cool to talk shit about peoples tattoo.
Now, in the last blog i had someone make fun of it and call me a retard
now keep in mind this guy is like 30 but wants to act a whole 15
Now, i know ive talked shit. But i dont do internet talking shit about him
we all know the saying.
"fighting on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win your still a retard"
so im going to be a big girl, and not run my mouth, even though i have alot to say
I finally paid my rent 15 days late. I suck. Since ive been 21 ive been very drunk latley. i get drunk and emotional and dit in the back and cry, or try to start shit. or just sit at the bar and drink till i puke
so needless to say ive spent the last few days sober so i could make monies
picture of what i do at work sober

i get extremly bored hahaha
so yeah.
Im to the point in my life where i feel i need a dramatic change
I dunno. Im trying to fully learn french. but its hard when your teaching yourself.
i suck at pronouncing things lol
Well its way early in the morning and i have not slept yet. So im going to wander to the living room
amelie is on and im not using subtitles. ive seen to movie enough to not need them
good night/morning to you all.
oh yeah i ordered the trailor park boys movie
thank you Quinne for turning me on to this
Now, in the last blog i had someone make fun of it and call me a retard
now keep in mind this guy is like 30 but wants to act a whole 15
Now, i know ive talked shit. But i dont do internet talking shit about him
we all know the saying.
"fighting on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win your still a retard"
so im going to be a big girl, and not run my mouth, even though i have alot to say
I finally paid my rent 15 days late. I suck. Since ive been 21 ive been very drunk latley. i get drunk and emotional and dit in the back and cry, or try to start shit. or just sit at the bar and drink till i puke
so needless to say ive spent the last few days sober so i could make monies
picture of what i do at work sober

i get extremly bored hahaha
so yeah.
Im to the point in my life where i feel i need a dramatic change
I dunno. Im trying to fully learn french. but its hard when your teaching yourself.
i suck at pronouncing things lol
Well its way early in the morning and i have not slept yet. So im going to wander to the living room
amelie is on and im not using subtitles. ive seen to movie enough to not need them
good night/morning to you all.

oh yeah i ordered the trailor park boys movie
thank you Quinne for turning me on to this
Who's the real retard sweetie.
I think your little diamond is cute.
You take care ok Derby.
Forget the bozos out there.