so utterly nervous
going to a show tonight and im fucking nervous as hell. i hope my bad ex doesnt show up to be a douche.
id like it very much if he stayed in his own fucking town
cause i stay in mine
so ive been drunky mcdrunkster latley. ive spent every night since my birthday extremly trashed. wake up every morning hung over as fuck, always with a new battle wound.
or i get drunk and do my hair picture will be located on this blog as soon as it makes its way through the internet world and to my email.
ive found a liking of jager. which i hated before. made me think of robotripping in highschool.
but 5 dollar jager bombs
yum yum drunk and spend minimal dollars
reminder need to find a fucking tattoo artist of decentness in pensacola. dont need no bargin bin tattoos. lawlz.
i havnt slept decently in fucking 4 days.
tossing and turning waking up or not even sleeping at all. the only decent sleep i get is when i smoke and ive been poor.
i think alot to do with it is the fact that i stopped taking xanex
welp, i want firehouse really bad. ive been wanting it for 2 days now and been to lazy or poor to get it.
enjoy the picture
going to a show tonight and im fucking nervous as hell. i hope my bad ex doesnt show up to be a douche.
id like it very much if he stayed in his own fucking town
cause i stay in mine
so ive been drunky mcdrunkster latley. ive spent every night since my birthday extremly trashed. wake up every morning hung over as fuck, always with a new battle wound.
or i get drunk and do my hair picture will be located on this blog as soon as it makes its way through the internet world and to my email.
ive found a liking of jager. which i hated before. made me think of robotripping in highschool.
but 5 dollar jager bombs
yum yum drunk and spend minimal dollars
reminder need to find a fucking tattoo artist of decentness in pensacola. dont need no bargin bin tattoos. lawlz.
i havnt slept decently in fucking 4 days.
tossing and turning waking up or not even sleeping at all. the only decent sleep i get is when i smoke and ive been poor.
i think alot to do with it is the fact that i stopped taking xanex
welp, i want firehouse really bad. ive been wanting it for 2 days now and been to lazy or poor to get it.
enjoy the picture

I'm not great with money either, but I have a bank account just for rent. I transfer money into it from every paycheck and it stays there so it's never an issue.
Gadget is right about the Patrn. It's the magical potion for all things nice.