back from our was frickin awesometastic! we met many nice people and had fun, fun, fun...
heres my favorite picture from this trip
you want to know and see more? Go and look at Dawnies blog
one little sidenote: we stayed at the Marriott in Cologne, as we returned there on our second day of the stay, the whole hotel suddenly was crowded with drunk "Werbebldrschen" = "advertising agency ballsuckers" because of the BAC (Bauer Agency Cup = a soccer tournament for Werbebldrsche)
Meeting those egomanic wankers suddenly reminded me why I never want to work fulltime in a huge agency again in my whole life....I REALLY LOVE FREELANCING!!!
heres my favorite picture from this trip

you want to know and see more? Go and look at Dawnies blog

one little sidenote: we stayed at the Marriott in Cologne, as we returned there on our second day of the stay, the whole hotel suddenly was crowded with drunk "Werbebldrschen" = "advertising agency ballsuckers" because of the BAC (Bauer Agency Cup = a soccer tournament for Werbebldrsche)
Meeting those egomanic wankers suddenly reminded me why I never want to work fulltime in a huge agency again in my whole life....I REALLY LOVE FREELANCING!!!

Hehe, Damp ist so ein Touristen-Ort an der Ostsee.
vielen dank