I think we can all say that this year has been hectic. Loads of daily routines and enjoyment became dormant for the lot of us as a pandemic took over and everything had to be shut down. Even aside from all the politics and civil unrest this year has been , well.. unforgettable.
I think for me personally, the biggest things I’ve taken from this year was to find the silver lining in things. Oh, also not to take things for granted and live in the moment because you never know when it could all disappear.
I say finding the silver lining because even though during quarantine I was isolated at home, alone, frustrated, worried... it actually gave me the time to put towards a goal I’ve had on the back burner for some time.
Twitch has been something I’ve done for about 5 years on and off now. I’ve never really had the time to hold a consistent schedule but would stream video games or arts occasionally with the dreams that one day I would make it and become partnered with Twitch. Quarantine definitely opened up some time for me to officially try.
And guys.... I fucking did it! As of November 1, 2020 I am an official partner with Twitch!! For those of you who may not be as familiar with the site... it basically means the site decided to make me official. I got a fancy check mark next to my name along with tons of other “partner perks”.
It’s crazy sometimes to look back on where a goal first started and see it come to fruition. The best part about it is that me performing my hoop dance/tricks is what found me main viewership on the site! So now not only am I a Twitch partner but I also get to do my hoop performances for people now!
So through all this shit, I’m thankful that I focused my frustrations and all that energy on something healthy and now truest beneficial to my life!
If you guys haven’t yet make sure you come check me out sometime! I hula hoop a ton as well as play video games and sometimes do art! Twitch.tv/denver_maxx