Well, I deleted (so far) about 250 people off my friends list... It is an excruciating and tedious process. Blah..
So I heard today that Obama is planning to *for sure* pull the troops out and get them home... We'll see. The problem is that if that happens, where will these soldiers work? What can they come home and do? From personal experience dealing with very close friends who were in the military, the task of finding work after being in the military is nearly impossible. This economy is already shit. Unemployment is already shit. Many of these men and women DEPEND on the military for a paycheck...
I don't know how I feel about it. I'm in the middle honestly. It's about time that our guys come home. This war has been done and over with for a while now. We are wasting money, resources and lives being there.
I feel like Obama is grasping at anything right now to attempt to get reelected. I didn't vote for the guy in the first place and I certainly won't be doing it after I've seen all this "change". Our political system is bullshit. Our politicians aren't held accountable for their actions, Democrats or Republicans.
I used to be a Republican. I bashed and hated on Democrats for everything, but frankly, I hate everyone. Every single one of them lies, cheats, betrays and takes advantage of the American people.
I don't know where I'm gonna stand this time around with voting, but bet your ass I'll be doing my research on all of these fuckheads... I'm leaning towards Ron Paul. Seems like the most legit guy out of all of em.
So I heard today that Obama is planning to *for sure* pull the troops out and get them home... We'll see. The problem is that if that happens, where will these soldiers work? What can they come home and do? From personal experience dealing with very close friends who were in the military, the task of finding work after being in the military is nearly impossible. This economy is already shit. Unemployment is already shit. Many of these men and women DEPEND on the military for a paycheck...
I don't know how I feel about it. I'm in the middle honestly. It's about time that our guys come home. This war has been done and over with for a while now. We are wasting money, resources and lives being there.
I feel like Obama is grasping at anything right now to attempt to get reelected. I didn't vote for the guy in the first place and I certainly won't be doing it after I've seen all this "change". Our political system is bullshit. Our politicians aren't held accountable for their actions, Democrats or Republicans.
I used to be a Republican. I bashed and hated on Democrats for everything, but frankly, I hate everyone. Every single one of them lies, cheats, betrays and takes advantage of the American people.
I don't know where I'm gonna stand this time around with voting, but bet your ass I'll be doing my research on all of these fuckheads... I'm leaning towards Ron Paul. Seems like the most legit guy out of all of em.
im glad u didnt delete me. i like to perv on your pics

also happy to be undeleted!