"The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn." ~David Russell
That's seriously one of my favorite quotes of all time. Is that not what we all experience daily? Who do we keep in our lives, who do we love, who do we want around and most of all, who is a toxin infecting the very core of our inner selves?
This can relate to anything... Do I do this for my business or do I go a different way?
After I read that, I went on a soul search for a few hours and sat and figured out my life in some ways. Was it time to burn some bridges in some areas, and maybe time to start building a more sturdy bridge to other parts of my life? And if so, how do I know if I made the right choice....
So then I decided.. It doesn't matter what choice I make... Choices are what create our very existence. Choices lead to consequences... And consequences aren't always bad. Sometimes they teach you some very very important shit.
Life is a journey. Life can make or break you. Your relationships, your job, your home... These are all things that assist in creating the person you are. Do you hate your job? Do you hate your relationship? What is your driving force and are you happy with where you are?
I can say I'm pretty satisfied all around in my life. Sure, there's plenty of stress. I have a custody case to deal with, I have tons of debt and tons of bills to pay, I'm not only trying to survive alone, but I'm also trying to survive with a daughter, who at the same time, I'm trying to teach right from wrong... I have lots of stress when it comes to work... But you know what? I love my job. I love my car. I love my home. I love my SINGLE status. I love my daughter and that her and I can coexist in such a peaceful, magnificent way. I love that I don't have a relationship right now. I love who my friends are. I love my family and through the thick and thin, I will always be there for them. I just love life. And I feel like that is a bridge worth building.
I'm ready to tear down some of the rickety bridges that have no use for repair no matter how incredible they may have been at one point.
Welcome to life, Cat. This is the POINT.

That's seriously one of my favorite quotes of all time. Is that not what we all experience daily? Who do we keep in our lives, who do we love, who do we want around and most of all, who is a toxin infecting the very core of our inner selves?
This can relate to anything... Do I do this for my business or do I go a different way?
After I read that, I went on a soul search for a few hours and sat and figured out my life in some ways. Was it time to burn some bridges in some areas, and maybe time to start building a more sturdy bridge to other parts of my life? And if so, how do I know if I made the right choice....
So then I decided.. It doesn't matter what choice I make... Choices are what create our very existence. Choices lead to consequences... And consequences aren't always bad. Sometimes they teach you some very very important shit.
Life is a journey. Life can make or break you. Your relationships, your job, your home... These are all things that assist in creating the person you are. Do you hate your job? Do you hate your relationship? What is your driving force and are you happy with where you are?
I can say I'm pretty satisfied all around in my life. Sure, there's plenty of stress. I have a custody case to deal with, I have tons of debt and tons of bills to pay, I'm not only trying to survive alone, but I'm also trying to survive with a daughter, who at the same time, I'm trying to teach right from wrong... I have lots of stress when it comes to work... But you know what? I love my job. I love my car. I love my home. I love my SINGLE status. I love my daughter and that her and I can coexist in such a peaceful, magnificent way. I love that I don't have a relationship right now. I love who my friends are. I love my family and through the thick and thin, I will always be there for them. I just love life. And I feel like that is a bridge worth building.
I'm ready to tear down some of the rickety bridges that have no use for repair no matter how incredible they may have been at one point.
Welcome to life, Cat. This is the POINT.

and that was a rather uplifting blog