And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. -Good ol' Abe Lincoln
Today is the day! I'm officially 24 years old. Looking back on the last few years of my life, I've realized how much more I have grown as a person and just how awesome I truly have it. I have amazing friends, a very supportive family, a decent job that I usually enjoy doing and an incredible little girl who has changed my life.
I am so fortunate to be blessed with all of these things and sometimes I take them for granted. Birthdays mean more to me than a New Year because your birthday is basically YOUR New Year. My birthday resolutions are to try to be more understanding of things that bother me, more assertive when I want something, stronger as a person for my daughter, more kind hearted to people that may not jibe with who I am and overall having a better attitude about things as a whole.
Like the quote says, it's the life you're living that matters, not the amount of years you live. I want to make everyday count, even if it's something small... I want to look back on my life when I'm on my death bed and be able to go peacefully knowing that I did my best for myself, for my daughter, for my family, for my friends and for strangers that come and go. I want to know that the impact I've made was a positive one.
So here's to another year.
Also, totally walked in on someone fucking in a bathroom at a karaoke bar last night. ehehehe.

Today is the day! I'm officially 24 years old. Looking back on the last few years of my life, I've realized how much more I have grown as a person and just how awesome I truly have it. I have amazing friends, a very supportive family, a decent job that I usually enjoy doing and an incredible little girl who has changed my life.
I am so fortunate to be blessed with all of these things and sometimes I take them for granted. Birthdays mean more to me than a New Year because your birthday is basically YOUR New Year. My birthday resolutions are to try to be more understanding of things that bother me, more assertive when I want something, stronger as a person for my daughter, more kind hearted to people that may not jibe with who I am and overall having a better attitude about things as a whole.
Like the quote says, it's the life you're living that matters, not the amount of years you live. I want to make everyday count, even if it's something small... I want to look back on my life when I'm on my death bed and be able to go peacefully knowing that I did my best for myself, for my daughter, for my family, for my friends and for strangers that come and go. I want to know that the impact I've made was a positive one.
So here's to another year.
Also, totally walked in on someone fucking in a bathroom at a karaoke bar last night. ehehehe.

Hope you day was a great one. Do I guess the peep show last night was an early birthday present?
Happy belated B-Day pretty lady!