I'm feeling really good today. I'm having one of those days when I know I look fucking good and it makes me feel awesome! I also get to see a good friend who I haven't seen in ages tonight, so that is making my day that much better.
I had a good, big fight with my boyfriend last night. I honestly think it is something that helps our relationship... Like, when we get everything out, then we have nothing holding us back. It's good stuff. It sucks in the moment, but I'm really grateful for who he is and how he fights. He's such an "adult" about it. Never calls me names, never says hurtful things... He just talks it out.
I am realizing more and more how incredibly complex this universe is. I do so much creating in my own life, and I sometimes forget to sit back and watch the stars. I stood in the rain for like 20 minutes yesterday just enjoying the feel of the cold drops of water on my bare skin. It felt natural. It felt right.
I want to go camping! And four wheeling! SOOO BAD. I need new shocks on my Jeep, since my shocks are not only blown, but are too short for the lift that I have now. Le sigh. Time to make some more money.
Money is a thing that I am constantly at odds with. I know I can make money. I know I can make LOTS of money if I really set myself to it, but I seem to be in a rut with my restaurants. I try realllly hard to get things done to make sure I don't shut down, but sometimes I feel like crawling in a hole and hiding from the stress of running two restaurants. One day, I know my restaurants will be HUGE. It's just about my motivation and aspirations. I know where I want to go with it, and I will get there. Eventually.

I had a good, big fight with my boyfriend last night. I honestly think it is something that helps our relationship... Like, when we get everything out, then we have nothing holding us back. It's good stuff. It sucks in the moment, but I'm really grateful for who he is and how he fights. He's such an "adult" about it. Never calls me names, never says hurtful things... He just talks it out.
I am realizing more and more how incredibly complex this universe is. I do so much creating in my own life, and I sometimes forget to sit back and watch the stars. I stood in the rain for like 20 minutes yesterday just enjoying the feel of the cold drops of water on my bare skin. It felt natural. It felt right.
I want to go camping! And four wheeling! SOOO BAD. I need new shocks on my Jeep, since my shocks are not only blown, but are too short for the lift that I have now. Le sigh. Time to make some more money.
Money is a thing that I am constantly at odds with. I know I can make money. I know I can make LOTS of money if I really set myself to it, but I seem to be in a rut with my restaurants. I try realllly hard to get things done to make sure I don't shut down, but sometimes I feel like crawling in a hole and hiding from the stress of running two restaurants. One day, I know my restaurants will be HUGE. It's just about my motivation and aspirations. I know where I want to go with it, and I will get there. Eventually.

the restaurant industry is tough, especially in a recession. thats one of the first things people start cutting back on when money is tight. but if you love it, keep it at it. you'll be a success, if you aren't already. 

So right! And thank you