I am sooo excited for 2010. There's so many things I wanna get done and so many things I neeeed to get done! It's going to be a good year. I just started reading "The Law of Attracting- The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham" and it's been effing incredible.
I've learned through and through that I'm the creator of my future, there's no pre-destiny, at least for my life and I'm excited to grow and learn more about the way my thoughts create the road I'm on!
As for other things, New Years was a blast. A few of my buddies and I went and got drunk and hopped on the light rail and had a good time downtown! I haven't had that kind of fun in forever so it was a great break for me!
Overall, I'm super happy, and everything seems to be falling into place like it should. I know this year is gonna be a fun, positive one!
How was everyone else's New Year?? Any awesome resolutions?
Mine are:
Lead the most positive year I ever had.
Believe in the good and positive things that I can accomplish.
Lose 15 pounds by April.
Save enough money to have a nice cushion to land on if it's needed.
Learn to play guitar all over again.
Get on the front page of Suicide Girls!
Help and volunteer as much as I can.
See my friends more often!
In no particular order! lol

As for other things, New Years was a blast. A few of my buddies and I went and got drunk and hopped on the light rail and had a good time downtown! I haven't had that kind of fun in forever so it was a great break for me!
Overall, I'm super happy, and everything seems to be falling into place like it should. I know this year is gonna be a fun, positive one!

How was everyone else's New Year?? Any awesome resolutions?
Mine are:
Lead the most positive year I ever had.
Believe in the good and positive things that I can accomplish.
Lose 15 pounds by April.
Save enough money to have a nice cushion to land on if it's needed.
Learn to play guitar all over again.
Get on the front page of Suicide Girls!
Help and volunteer as much as I can.
See my friends more often!
In no particular order! lol

Sounds like a great set of goals. Hope that you have a great year
Some very positive goals! I think I need to hire you to motivate me!!!