Left for a short vacation in the south.

Don't dream it, be it!
short vacations are so healing!
i've actually been barefoot quite a bit recently!
ouch! the blistering has started!
I got a summer flu. How stupid.
A proverb says: "Eine Grippe kommt drei Tage, bleibt drei Tage und geht drei Tage." (A flu comes three days, stays three days and goes away three days) Today is the third of the stay-days.
So I did nothing productive this weekend, watching tv (that's the occasion when tv is a good and useful thing...) and today I...
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it's always nice
to have virtual friends,
and real life friends, hehe!
i've realized that
both help me figure out things!

I forgot how much I loved to read the German language. Even that one line there, I love it so much. But my german sucks so bad... esp because it's been so long since I practised. I'm bad.

Cherry xox
Here's something to aaawww for all aaawwwers. Cuuuuuuuters also welcome:

miao!! miao!! miao!!

[Edited on Jul 14, 2003]

[Edited on Jul 14, 2003]
Hello Denkedran. Yes, I know what the Ministerium fr Staatssicherheit was. I would consider it among the top organizations in the "Big Brother" hall of fame.
(That new profile pic is the flag of a local soccer team; they adopted it from the squatter scene)


Some people are stupid: If you have a house with a garden, why don't you have a compost-heap and don't use that rubbish bin for organic stuff that was made for flat inhabitants? Another characteristic of the ugly German: They have very clean and decent...
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je donne ma langue au chat.....
in any case it's surrounded by willows... so maybe it's a waterworks-building??????
I always feel refreshed after touring with you. The building ... my guess is waterworks, but it's pretty hard to tell.
That's the real Denkedran Jost with his fellow Klementine in my profile pic.


MMO (Music Minus One) is really fun. I turned the volume up until it feels like standing in front of a real orchestra and tortured my neighbors since two weeks now playing Beethovens Romance for Violin and Orchestra no. 1 in G major. It makes me feel so great with that...
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Oh! My darling Klementine!
oistrach, you snob biggrin
What a sunny Eastertime! And all I did was cleaning, sleeping, doing procastinated work and riding in the sun. So, yesterday I turned left and there were strange letters, faces and soil in a box while I was wondering about funny street names.

Today I turned right while others had a boat tour on some canal and someone sprayed "grandpa" on the wall....
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Brilliant post, Denkedran. (I might steal the idea one day!)
haha it is possible, but of course we English can't properly say the number 8 in German (acht?). I remember in German class at school, most people could not grasp the German pronunciation of "J".

Sou-thamp-ton. Hmm when I actually think about saying it I spit. Must stop thinking about it!
This evening the sunset over this city gloomed in very dark orange-red. That was unbelievable, I haven't seen such a red evening sky for a long time. It looked as if behind the city skyline the blood from a faraway contry was glowing...
Unfortunately the sun usually goes down in the west and the war is happening in the east... Wrong direction, Mr. Lord-Almighty!...
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Thank you kiss

The sun always astounds me with it's power...

Cherry xx
Unless the sun was prophesising what is yet to come.

I hate being a harbinger of doom.
I just watched a documetary in tv about a project in which professional photographers and designers worked together and made a photo-calender about old and/or mentally retarded people. They shot pictures of them in quite eccentric outfits and everybody had a lot of fun. But the very moving thing about it was that by doing this they gave them so much dignity (back) and those...
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wow man, that really is so true about how precious old people are. old people have a lot of wisdom and insight. sometimes in the hustle and bustle of my busy life, i don't always remember that. i guess it's high time i make it a point to do so.
maryjane :mj:
I think the generation prior to us and prior to them had issues regarding aging and beauty. I think my generation is over that...i can't speak for any of the SG's themselves..but i feel more confident and beautiful at 33 than i did when i was 21.
just a note regarding your thread on the message board...
i understand the silent for a minute deal....but i think respect for the suffering (and/or dying)over in the middle east is better shown by intelligent, worthwhile discussion between people...especially people of differing ethnicities, age and religion....
I just wanted to reclarify my thoughts in your journal.