People keep vanishing from my friends list. Either they all went anonymous or got deleted. It doesn't tell me something about this site I haven't known before, but it tells me that even in such an abstract, unreal and artificial environment like an internet site I may have some talent to intuitionally find out who the interesting people are.
....just read your 09/25 entry.... it remembered me of a friend I thought, for a long time, was a funny guy with a wonderfully bizarre sense of humor (humour, as we use to say in France...) ... until I realized that, having himself deep autodestructive pulsions, he didn't care the less if his twisted jokes had unwanted consequences... and that it was this carelessness that made his jokes so radical and so enjoyable to me...
I dont know if its for food or slaves and honestly I dont intend to find out! Forget it...I wont go near a puddle of water because never know. Right?