Almost 9 am and as I put these colorful shades away the sun goes up over the red-brown desertlike landscape. I 4 days I will be back in Germany, fallin autumn leaves and fresh breezes are waiting for me. I whish I could stay longer but jobs need to be done and such stuff. I will be 'arm wie eine Kirchenmaus' when I"m back- I spend all of my money, or let me say: all of the money the bank will give. Shit I need more this monlthly calculating annoys me. On the other hand I needed this vacation sooo badly, I would have gone crazy, if I had been staying at home. Just the change of the daily environment helps to get my mind cleaned out and kind of restarted.
People over here are all very kind and some are very sweet too. Though I love to play with silly prejudices, those Americans I met are nothing like a dull european mind would think they are. Maybe because this world is more and more shrinking differences are vanishing. Ok, I've never met anyone stetson wearing and pickup driving here, but hey, ordinary people are everywhere.
Now it's time for native cereals for breakfast. Mampf.
People over here are all very kind and some are very sweet too. Though I love to play with silly prejudices, those Americans I met are nothing like a dull european mind would think they are. Maybe because this world is more and more shrinking differences are vanishing. Ok, I've never met anyone stetson wearing and pickup driving here, but hey, ordinary people are everywhere.
Now it's time for native cereals for breakfast. Mampf.
Though I'd like to stay longer, especially because I still need almost a week to get into the real mood with people, It's my fault, not theirs and my permanent concern is to bee seen as being very boring and introverted. But I cannot tell :"Hey, actually I am a exiting guy." cause nobody would believe it.
Well, well.