(That new profile pic is the flag of a local soccer team; they adopted it from the squatter scene)
Some people are stupid: If you have a house with a garden, why don't you have a compost-heap and don't use that rubbish bin for organic stuff that was made for flat inhabitants? Another characteristic of the ugly German: They have very clean and decent gardens with every plant in a line. Luckily not the people I was visiting.
"...when the mooooooon is in the senventh hoooouuse, and Juuupiteeeer aligns with maaaars..."
The fly-eating marsh plant I bought in the university's botanic garden had it's first blossom. Barbed wire can be useful and it's also useful to clean the subway station with suds. Doubtfully usefull is it, if there are stairs, to put up a sign that there are stairs. Completely unuseful are sign that call on you to lock the door after 10 p.m.
Beneath some ugly skyscrapers (which were built by/for the british army as some central occupation-office-buildings after WW 2) there is a paited stone indicating which children's garden that area will be. Close to that a strange thing, maybe some ventilation tube for an old atomic bunker.
The french always made the coolest looking cars and some mature women wear cool capes. Here, you can buy socks without rubber bands, but that "Ohne Gummi" written on the lables also means: without condom. Bad idea...
Despite Wal Mart conquers the world, people still prepare for a children's party. On the opposite side there are 100-year old workers apartements, build for those who worked at the Montblanc-Factory which was right around the corner (They make fountain pens). Around another corner there was a little demonstration and even a police officer was there to read flyers at their information desk. Then they started to dance with arabic music wearing sheets with the names of the locations, western armys have invented to pursue their "imperialistic aims". Two of them were a tank and if you read what's written on that cardboard tank you'll know that they were really quite leftists. In the background on that picture you can see the "Rote Flora", a former concert hall which is now a kind of anarchistic area (No policeman would go in there voluntarily) and - after years of streetfight with the police - is tolerated as a place for alternative (mainly left-socialist-communist-anti-fascistic) culture events. Also you can see because of a new big mercedes parking there, the tolerance is mutual.
In the park, where at night african men sell their hard drugs, at daylight some people are preparing for a photoshoot and on a free area there is a small cirus.
On a car park gate a militant veggie grafitti ("Fight the cadaver-fodder!") and one of the beautiful old facades I want to live behind. Sailing for those who can afford it. A customs office's cheap home-made sign (I guess they get not much money as the EU becomes more important)
The whores that have to work for their money on the street use this hotel as their workshop. The name and sign of this bar is unbelievably ridiculous, and this sign is just upside down.
An unspectacular flower wants to compete with the artifical red (and if you ask me, it won) - nature always wins, even if they build colourful sluices. At a branch of the river where you can see the containers on the other side I watched a small ship going by, saw wild flowers, some of them grow between stones, looked in the sun shining through the trees growing at the bank and whished I'd live in a house behind the dyke. There's the Autobahn (kind of Interstate without speed limit) on a big bridge across the river and under it there was a cool shadow - no wonder, it's made out of steel and there still grows something . Other steel things standing in the water seems to be of no use at all. But I know what's the use of this little tower: to tell you what time it is and how high the high tide actually is. For those cases of emergency there's a "dyke defense depot" where you can get all you need for the fight against the water. (Besides, there was traffic jam on the Autobahn, bad for everyone that didn't read the signs, that are blue - not green) Not every building looks like an igloo and not every fence gets sewed. And if you don't know where you are, you can count down the kilometers, because the whole dyke is measured.
Quiz for everybody:
What kind of a building is this?
a) an old, forgotten church
b) a gym
c) a waterworks-building
d) a private swimming-pool hall of buy a rich man
e) the canteen of a prison
Some people are stupid: If you have a house with a garden, why don't you have a compost-heap and don't use that rubbish bin for organic stuff that was made for flat inhabitants? Another characteristic of the ugly German: They have very clean and decent gardens with every plant in a line. Luckily not the people I was visiting.
"...when the mooooooon is in the senventh hoooouuse, and Juuupiteeeer aligns with maaaars..."
The fly-eating marsh plant I bought in the university's botanic garden had it's first blossom. Barbed wire can be useful and it's also useful to clean the subway station with suds. Doubtfully usefull is it, if there are stairs, to put up a sign that there are stairs. Completely unuseful are sign that call on you to lock the door after 10 p.m.
Beneath some ugly skyscrapers (which were built by/for the british army as some central occupation-office-buildings after WW 2) there is a paited stone indicating which children's garden that area will be. Close to that a strange thing, maybe some ventilation tube for an old atomic bunker.
The french always made the coolest looking cars and some mature women wear cool capes. Here, you can buy socks without rubber bands, but that "Ohne Gummi" written on the lables also means: without condom. Bad idea...
Despite Wal Mart conquers the world, people still prepare for a children's party. On the opposite side there are 100-year old workers apartements, build for those who worked at the Montblanc-Factory which was right around the corner (They make fountain pens). Around another corner there was a little demonstration and even a police officer was there to read flyers at their information desk. Then they started to dance with arabic music wearing sheets with the names of the locations, western armys have invented to pursue their "imperialistic aims". Two of them were a tank and if you read what's written on that cardboard tank you'll know that they were really quite leftists. In the background on that picture you can see the "Rote Flora", a former concert hall which is now a kind of anarchistic area (No policeman would go in there voluntarily) and - after years of streetfight with the police - is tolerated as a place for alternative (mainly left-socialist-communist-anti-fascistic) culture events. Also you can see because of a new big mercedes parking there, the tolerance is mutual.
In the park, where at night african men sell their hard drugs, at daylight some people are preparing for a photoshoot and on a free area there is a small cirus.
On a car park gate a militant veggie grafitti ("Fight the cadaver-fodder!") and one of the beautiful old facades I want to live behind. Sailing for those who can afford it. A customs office's cheap home-made sign (I guess they get not much money as the EU becomes more important)
The whores that have to work for their money on the street use this hotel as their workshop. The name and sign of this bar is unbelievably ridiculous, and this sign is just upside down.
An unspectacular flower wants to compete with the artifical red (and if you ask me, it won) - nature always wins, even if they build colourful sluices. At a branch of the river where you can see the containers on the other side I watched a small ship going by, saw wild flowers, some of them grow between stones, looked in the sun shining through the trees growing at the bank and whished I'd live in a house behind the dyke. There's the Autobahn (kind of Interstate without speed limit) on a big bridge across the river and under it there was a cool shadow - no wonder, it's made out of steel and there still grows something . Other steel things standing in the water seems to be of no use at all. But I know what's the use of this little tower: to tell you what time it is and how high the high tide actually is. For those cases of emergency there's a "dyke defense depot" where you can get all you need for the fight against the water. (Besides, there was traffic jam on the Autobahn, bad for everyone that didn't read the signs, that are blue - not green) Not every building looks like an igloo and not every fence gets sewed. And if you don't know where you are, you can count down the kilometers, because the whole dyke is measured.
Quiz for everybody:
What kind of a building is this?
a) an old, forgotten church
b) a gym
c) a waterworks-building
d) a private swimming-pool hall of buy a rich man
e) the canteen of a prison
in any case it's surrounded by willows... so maybe it's a waterworks-building??????