A beeeutiful day outside! I had a wacky dream last night involving natural disasters and fluorite crystals, some of my favorite things. Got plenty of sleep, for once, and I'm actually enjoying housecleaning and and organizing. It's nice to have time to do it at all. The time thing has been no fun this year, this work-year, anyhow. Work is draining, and schedules keep my up way too late some nights, and not in a fun way!
Burning Man tix came in the mail this other day, and looking at the calendar I can see that the kiddo is not going to make it this year, if she goes off to college. Which she will, she's that kind of kiddo. What a void that will be, the whole thing scares me. Spending 18 years with someone, moving them along so that they can one day leave... you develop some habits. Heh. And then they leave!
This'll be the first Burning Man without her, and I can't imagine what that will feel like. Liberating, certainly, geeze, I've never been with out her! If she really goes off to Mass. there'll be no way that doesn't cost way more money than I have. Time marches on.
Burning Man tix came in the mail this other day, and looking at the calendar I can see that the kiddo is not going to make it this year, if she goes off to college. Which she will, she's that kind of kiddo. What a void that will be, the whole thing scares me. Spending 18 years with someone, moving them along so that they can one day leave... you develop some habits. Heh. And then they leave!
This'll be the first Burning Man without her, and I can't imagine what that will feel like. Liberating, certainly, geeze, I've never been with out her! If she really goes off to Mass. there'll be no way that doesn't cost way more money than I have. Time marches on.

I can't wait...
odi omnes
Fear not, Mass is a state of mind. The green haired one shall return to care for us soon.