Bill is my cat. He's a big black Burmese, picked me out at the pound by reaching his long paw out of the cage and tapping me on the arm while politely meowing.
Bill has done this twice now, in the past month. I've been having a run of nightmares. Last night while I was in the depths of one, he woke me up by sitting on my pillow and nudging me with his head. He never does that. After I woke he snuzzled me and made me hold him. I fell back asleep that way. No more nightmares last night, after the Bill-rescue.
He's done that twice now.
How does he know??
I must be wimpering or something, but I'm mighty grateful to him.
Bill has done this twice now, in the past month. I've been having a run of nightmares. Last night while I was in the depths of one, he woke me up by sitting on my pillow and nudging me with his head. He never does that. After I woke he snuzzled me and made me hold him. I fell back asleep that way. No more nightmares last night, after the Bill-rescue.
He's done that twice now.
How does he know??
I must be wimpering or something, but I'm mighty grateful to him.

I would have a cat again if I could, but now that I'm out of the habbit of living with one my allergies just go buckwild whenever I touch a cat.
Cats seem to know that I can't touch them, and therefor come over and do their best to get in my lap. THen I pet them, then I get teary eyes, mild itchy hives, and asthma.
your cat sounds like one of those truly awesome cats.