woke up this morning with a bangin' on my window. so pissed off i crawled out of bed to look out my window to find water surrounding my house! my car was barely saved from getting water in the doors and needed alittle push to get it going. my basement has about three feet of water in it. real good way to wake up.
so living on a flood plane is fun. sat around with all of the people in the village i live in while some people i know were boating around. came out of my house because my mom made her way over to see the watery destruction. to find out two of the kids, that i know, fliped their boat and were hanging in a tree trying not to die! i called 911 and they came out and saved their asses and gave them a good reaming and a 220 dollar fine.
today was fuckin' weird!
jammin' out to some In Flames.
that really sucks....i certainly don't miss living on the east coast where such things happen frequently....good luck.... buy renters insurance and make some cash come your way to ease the pain....fucking police ....
Wow! That fucking sucks man. Best of luck to you and the people in your area. At least you got some In Flames, though.