Memes, memes, and more memes. Original content preferred
Discuss any topic related to making your appearance the best it can be. From skin care to makeup to stress relief to nutrition to surgical techniques.
This group exists to discuss all things Piercing. Ask questions, tell stories, share tips and experiences. Please use the SEARCH FUNCTION and check the "Before You Post Your Question" thread [b]BEFORE[/b] you post. **Please note: Any recommendations made by members of this group are not to be construed as, or …
From household pets to greater wildlife! All things animals!
For the motorheads, gearheads, enthusiasts and the auto-curious. All makes, models, mods and vintages welcome.
The place to talk about meeting in real life: local events and gatherings. Also a great place to find your true love or your new best friend, discuss your favorite members or just say hello or goodbye to everyone on the site.
A group for people who choose not to indulge in certain substances. Join us if you're sober, straight-edge, or just curious! Please be respectfull of other people and of yourself.
For members, hopefuls, and SGs in the Midwest US!
A group for PSW and their admirers! Only positivity allowed! *Models in the cover ! *Babu & Brunam*