Handsome Rob(my cat) came back!!!! A friend came over tues. eve and let my cat out when he was leaving!!! boy was i mad...my cat is not an "outdoor" cat...he's been outside before but not for over an hour...but anyways..i was frantic yesterday about it. i had a dream about the little fucker (that he came back) and he really did!!! musta been my cat instincts kicking in! hee hee. i woke up this morning at 5 am...first thing i did was check the back window...and there he was trying to get warm in the garage....i missed him like a fat kid loves cake...so i thought it was my lucky day findin him!!! must be....now next on my list of agendas.....PHOTO SET FOR SG...any photographer takers on me? any who....everyone HAVE A GREAT DAY.MAKE THE BEST OF IT