Well, seasons are changing fast here. Seemed like summer would take a gradual end after a hard start (spring went from 20-24C temperatures to 29-32C regularly within a week). Nope! After only a slight cooling we jumped right into Oregon fall with a couple straight days of rain and a drop from 26-28C regular to below 20C peak temperatures.
With these changes goes another job. My longest running job cut me due to downsizing at end of June and I finally managed to pick up another beginning of this month. They are now downsizing and being the new one I'm cut again.
Positive to both of these occurrences is I can wear my breast forms more often! I found a supply group in spring, The Breast Form Store, that supplies cross-dress and cancer survivor items. For me being greygender, this is in breast forms. Amazing options from simple tape on forms to silicone adhering life-like forms that can be worn to sleep! I'm loving the Hera form which is one of the top life-like forms that silicone adhere. Amazing comfort, real look, and real weight!
This group also has a good amount of clothing options for both women and trans/cross people since they cover the larger size options too. Us bigger people have options! And I love this freedom to express as more feminine when I have the feeling and more masculine when that mood comes. Breasts plus skirts or dresses one day, no forms and pants another.
Anyway, see you people around the site! If you want to chat feel free to DM me or post on my SG page!