Damage reports now incoming from the fires, and just as bad as I lamented yesterday. California gets all the national+ news yet we can get hit just as bad.
Local news report on several towns: https://kval.com/news/local/it-appears-that-the-communities-of-blue-river-and-vida-are-a-total-loss
In addition to this at least 4 of our major towns along the Interstate are semi-threatened or having outlying areas evaced as well. These are the cities with between 10,000 and 60,000. The scale of this is unprecedented for this area.
Our vehicles now stir up ash as we drive or park in towns dozens of miles from these fires, eerily reminiscent of disaster movies like Only The Brave or Dante's Peak. Ash has speckled the windshield of my car as I write this...
Places I've loved to visit are reported gone now. Going to have to visit again later this year or next to believe it...
Edit: two additional photos from "the front line."
NOAA satellite space feed of these fires too: https://www.facebook.com/46543318281/posts/10157743089083282/?extid=KsQELoWQGhNTVnxX