Mixed feelings right now. Just finished Mass Effect Andromeda. Phenomenal game, very underappreciated and I love it. The vast exploration feeling of ME, a good driving vehicle, crafting and armor/weapon mods to the near heavens, solid gameplay and story. Now I'm sad because there is no plan for ANY DLC about the Quarian Ark, which was heavily hinted at in the Epilogue. And one of my biggest pet peevs: unfinished story. Plenty to take further with the kett enemies too in the post- credits scene.
No fun playing with the Quarians, Hanar, Drell, and others in Andromeda. It leaves a hole in my heart. Yes, I get very emotionally attached to my characters. Is the same when I read a book series and a character leaves or dies. Spend hundreds of hours with something and emotions will factor in.
So now the disservice done to Andromeda is all but sealed, and for now I will bid these new greats goodbye (until I return). I'm glad I saved the movie night fun until after everything was complete. Much like the Citadel farewell for ME3.