I hate how much these kind of incidents are swarming since the White House turned into the Ivory House. While not a city I have lived in, Portland is a place I have visited innumerable times (particularly since it is my states biggest city) so hearing about this kind of incident strikes home. The last similar big event was the Umpqua College shooting a few years ago. President Obama instantly offered condolences after that event, but Blondie hasn't said a single thing. President Obama even came to visit little ol' Oregon himself after the shooting (I have pictures of Air Force One at my hometown of Eugene airport). Hearing of such things is disheartening, and also stiffens my resolve to bring my dream of opening a martial arts studio and teaching the importance of acceptance, honor, integrity, creating win-win, and most importantly: love. Before my Personal Effectiveness Seminar I would have gone straight to hate myself. Now, I get sad and pity those who do nothing but hate.
PS: news article for those who haven't heard of this event. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40070319