Wow. Not 20 minutes and I already think of something else to jot down here... -__- The life of a reviewer and "hopeful" writer. :P
Isn't it strange how the essence of 'attraction' has changed? Even in a few short decades. It absolutely blows me away at how both of the sexes have changed so much! Yep, I was born in the wrong century. I'd be right at home as a role of strategist on a battlefield or defending the honour of a fair maiden in a tourney. But just can't quite get the modern society and it's... 'norms'.
For example, yep throwing myself into the fire already. Take... Myself. 28yo guy, great family, great little townhouse (atm), great job, great bike and just an all round great outlook on life! Having a grandfather who taught me most of what I know lands me in a rather curious situation in the 21st century. The training I've giving myself has been all PC and entertainment based but Arthur (pop) has given me the most valuable skills I will ever have in life!
Before he, sadly, passed he made sure I had all the required skills of the 'stereotypical' man. Yes, tinkering in the shed. Mowing lawns. Vehicle maintenance and basic repairs. Some household duties (although most of which I simply adapted into my own skill-set). Even a simple back scratching technique that I still use to this very day. BUT! Most importantly, most unequivocally, chivalry is not dead! We hear it day in and day out, "chivalry is dead" and "where have all the good men gone".
Are you ready for it?...
We haven't 'gone' anywhere! Haha, we're still here. Right beside you holding the umbrella over your head, or simply opening a door for you. You never know... You may have even slotted one of us into the 'friend zone' already! :)
The ugly truth is actually quite simple. You're looking in the wrong place! What is the point of spending an afternoon saying the above to friends, colleagues and family just to 'head out' that night and spend hours with drunken fools with one thing on their mind. Yes, both parties maybe out for exactly that but if one wasn't it would be the worst place to look for anything with potential. And after the big (unsuccessful) night one decides to head to the gym to run the hangover out and 'perv' on the local talent there. Sorry, but, you guessed it... Yet another bad place to look. I understand that high testosterone in males is a good thing... If we were back in the neanderthal era. And then you'd be lucky if you even got a "hello" before a club to the head to be dragged away to his nearest cave to be claimed. This is the 21st century though. As a species, we should be past that.
Now don't get me wrong, as a guy, I am all for the mechanical knowledge of day to day activities and the race for the chase for the cup with the thing. But I stand firm in my disbelief that the majority of women these days are going to either extremes. It's either Captain Jockstrap with an IQ of roughly 25 or less who just loves to chest pump and punch anyone and anything that looks at him funny or gets in his way. Which, sadly, may include his partner at some stage. OR, at the other end of the spectrum, the new age 'metro' guy who can tell you all about the new hair products, the best lifestyle show/magazine and the hippest trending artist. Yeah, that's great for a guy to be able to talk to you about all that stuff, but what about when you ask him to do the lawn, or service the car? Heck, even help/do the housework. Oh no... He broke his nail, and his half face do keeps falling down in his way.
Note: Before the fury and 'up in arms' comes. I do realise that there are no specific gender roles anymore. Hell, women are better at everything they do! Just throwing it out there guys. But with roughly 11K more neural connections than us, they are the better of the two and you'd be a tosser to think otherwise...
What happened to those of us in the middle? Simply forgotten, looked past and down upon? You know, for a lot of us we found writing, or literature, movies, technology and yes, video games. Or as I prefer, Electronic Entertainment.
Most of these middle ground guys are the keepers! We know what is expected of us in a relationship, we aren't afraid to get our hands dirty. The sense of humour we have is an absolute riot, yep thank in part the gaming industry for help to develop that one. And yes, we know and understand what chivalry is and how to implement it in the modern age. The guys in the middle class (speaking physically) are the ones that should be getting those dates you've been denying. They are the actual future! It's these guys who will be designing the robots to play the sports that the jocks love so much. It's the age of the geek! One must have a physical attraction in some way or another but look past that finally! We are in an amazing age of humanity where technology, religion (sort of), entertainment and science are taking huge leaps forward. Why can't we...
So please, if you have read this the whole way through (thank you so much if so). The next time one of the opposite sex asks to hang, introduces themselves, or asks you out. Look past the cover and see the potential lying dormant underneath. Men or women. Seriously, there'd be fewer depressed guys cause their partner traded them in for a more muscular model and significantly fewer heartbroken ladies because they'd actually find the guy who isn't up himself and will treat them like they should be. It's not the external package that hangs in your heart forever, it's their love for you. Their body will age, but their feelings will never die...
Thank you and warm regards,
The guy who was never 'good enough' :P