God I'm really fucking hating this AD job on this play. I'm totally not a theatre person. And all the rehearsals are all the way uptown and usually pretty far from any trains. It cost me a total of $30 to get to and from rehearsal yesterday, and this director doesn't know how to direct and is giving me nothing to do. I feel like just getting up and taking the whole thing over. It'd probably be a little better if I at least could drive to rehearsals but the headlight on my fucking piece of shit car is busted and its probably an electrical problem and its too expensive to fix so I gotta wait for the rents to buy a new shitty car (cause I'm the one that drives it most but they don't listen to what cars I want). Fucking Honda piece of shit. Will someone donate me a Mini Cooper or a BMW, wouldn't mind a Crossfire either cause they look fucking awesome. OK its 3 something so I should be getting some sleep so I wake up in the morning and don't play like shit at band practice. Oh well I guess I'm just gonna finish touching up a couple of scenes then try to head back into production on my film. Although I'm dreading the casting process.
who has a digital camera? do you have a conventional camera, and I leave the pics negatives with y'all to handle? do you have any lights we can gather? do I need to bring things? or costumes? hee hee hee.
this is DIY.
let me know.