hows life been, pretty lady? you look happy and beautiful as always.
i was just studying for an exam and i couldnt get Pinback out of my head. you should send me some more, i only have fortress and penelope!
oh p.s. i got a sweet cd of acoustic traditional (kinda folk?) music from new england and canada. i really like it. it makes me think of you, you crazy canuck!
6 years today that my dad passed away.
And its the first year in a long time that its affecting me.
I tried to ignore it for the last 4 years [the ex didnt care to listen to me talk about it] so I let it go for so long.
And now Im realizing how much I miss him.
He was my best friend.
And... Read More
Ive been moody lately, Im not sure why.
I feel sad atleast once a day and it brings me down.
Ive been locked up in my room for the past two weeks because of a surprise visit... Read More
Rants are part of life, say them, scream them, type them, then move on. The people who lock their feelings inside are the ones who hurt for a long time, and usually don't heal to well. You know you made the right decision, the fact he is flaunting his newgirl in your face plainly states what type of guy he is, so be glad your out of there.
OK so I have a video for everyone who has been in bad situations with either relationships or friendships. This honestly [As funny as it may look lol] helped me a lot the last couple weeks with all the things my ex has been putting me through. It has SUCH a good message you just gotta watch it!
[FYI: The actual message is only to... Read More
Ok I need some help.
This may be long, bare with me!
...right so last month, if you remember, I broke up with the abusive Ex. Ok so understand we were dating for 4 years, long ass time. I recently have met someone else who couldnt treat me any better. Like he makes me all smiles, some of the reason for the move to... Read More
honey.. thats what abusive men do.. what hes doing is emotional abuse.. i know its hard but you have to stay strong.. not just for yourself but to teach you kids that they should never stay in an abusive relationship if they (god forbid) ever find themselves in one.
i was just studying for an exam and i couldnt get Pinback out of my head. you should send me some more, i only have fortress and penelope!
oh p.s. i got a sweet cd of acoustic traditional (kinda folk?) music from new england and canada. i really like it. it makes me think of you, you crazy canuck!