fuck women fuck alaska fuck everyone......i think that pretty much explains everything
well i have almost adapted back into life in the states and i have already begun to realize the things that i am having issues with which is good so i can learn to work on them or avoid them. and some of the things in my life that have been seriously bugging me have started to look better. but the cold up here really...
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thanks for the set comment!!
ok so yes i am back in the united states its great. i have been enjoying my time a lot except for all the lovely drama i have had the past few days. and i am really excited for the lovely guns and roses with suicide girls concert this weekend in everett. yes i paid like 2000 in plane tickets and another like 200 for...
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ok so i am finally leaving this god forsaken country in like 2 days and should be back in my beloved united states in under a week. i am mildly excited. i think if i wasn't so burned out i would be more excited but who knows. but eitehr way i am glad to finally be leaving it is well over due. and i should...
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hang in there sweetie! hope you'll be feeling better once you get home and rested!
ok so they pushed us leaving back a couple days. not that it surprizes me but i still hate them for it. i will still be home around the same time i mean whats 2 days really. i have also been bored as shit lately with nothing to do even when i am not working. and i am pretty sure i reached my breaking point...
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I wont drown. I would come and hang out with you if it wasn't so far away. Sorry to hear the leaving date got pushed back frown
ok so the army loves to lie about stuff. and i am getting used to that. but as of right now i am being told i will be coming home soon from iraq. i have been over here for over a year now and i really need to come home and relax and unwind. as of right now i should be home the whole month...
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It was aplay piercing session, pretty much its just an extreame ammount of adrenalin rush and realease... You leave the needles in for a while and then just pop them out, sounds like nothing special but it does leave you feeling somewaht renewed a bit like geting suspended....

I love the States and Americans, I dont like Bush or what is going on but thats just the president and the situation not the whole country.... Ive been to the states on more than one ocassion and loved it. Most of my friends back in panama where either left over americans from the canal zone invation or just straight americans wh just moved there.... I lived in SoCal for 5 months and also loved it.....
Plus I kno wmost of you guys arent 100% pro whats going on but eally have no word or say in it...
I hope its all still working out ok for you getting back home soon, I'm still getting round to my messages so I'll reply better to that one soon. Hope you're well smile
well its been awhile since i wrote in here and lots of things have been happening lately that people might beinterested about. first off i am stuck in baghdad for awhile longer still and the time has yet to be determined which sucks since i hate this damn country and want to go home. second off i have been htinking about my ex a lot...
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post on my journal it looks better and is easy to reply than that message stuff...when you get home safe in jan let me know pa is semi close. good luck till then wink
YES finnally it is july and i am getting out of this hell hole soon. september is looing to be a fun ass time of visiting family and friends and partying in PA, TX, and a cruise to some exotic locations. i am really looking forward to it. this year has kicked my ass pretty good. not physically or mentally but stress wise. i am...
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Thanks for iming me, it was nice talking to you. Hope that insomnia gets better and that you feel better.
Dear Demonicinfantry,
Hey, its almost september. Hope you get to do all you hope to in the coming weeks.
ps, be sure to tell us all about the exotic locations eeek wink
Velvet Wench ARRR!!!
can't get to the internet much right now nor have i been able to do so much lately but i will hopefully be able to get back on soon and reply to people. oh and i should be coming home here in sept so maybe i will finnally be able to have some fun and stuff while i am home.
definately enjoy yourself when u are back in town.

Hope you do enjoy yourself when you get back home! smile
ok why? i am asking all you females out there. why is it that when i guy tries to be nice or is nice and is looking for a girl that is actually worth spending time with that she decided to find some way to fuck him over. i mean really now i understand that it is hard tobe in any kind of relationship with...
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Happy Birthday! smile
well i ffigure i might as well leave a message in here since i finnally have time to do so. i am a soldier over in iraq. and i am normally really busy except for short amoutns of free time or night if i chose not to sleep. i came across this site and loved it from the first i saw it. i think most...
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hey bitch tough it out or ur not getting a welcome home party this time. i heard u hurt urself and that ur comin home in aug or sumtin...so get ur shit done and come home to the party bitch!!!

Pvt Stoner