I've been in the same shitty mood lately. Very cynical, and hating just about everything in my life. Atleast "Angel" heard about my accident and is coming to see me - even excited about it. I couldn't believe it when I heard. Just the chance to see her would be heaven. She has a boyfriend now, but I know I could never be with her anyway.
Im going out tommorow for my annual christmas outting to the King Of Prussia Mall. My mom will buy me everything I want for x-mas. I will probably get some Cowboy Bebop DVD's (hoping to finish my collection), some CD's, books, the works, I suppose.
Rehab is going no better than it has been, and more and more people are joining the Day Hospital program that are in better shape than I am. It's too depressing. I need something worthwhile in my life and it just doesn't seem to be happening, in more ways that just my disabilty.
I need more cloves. I ran out again, just bought two packs at the Cherry Hill Mall on a Day Hospital outting. They ran out quick. And I fnished the Black's first, too, my favorite kind. Partly because they are better, and partly because I wanted to finish my lesser favorite "Specials" because I'd have less of a taste for them when they ran out, making me more able to wait until I get some more. Hopefully there is a Cigar Shop at the KoP, or I might have to wait until Monday, or even Thursday to go to South Street in Occupational Therapy to get some more.
I updated my webpage at http://www.neo-anime.org/~dclark. A new look.
Im going out tommorow for my annual christmas outting to the King Of Prussia Mall. My mom will buy me everything I want for x-mas. I will probably get some Cowboy Bebop DVD's (hoping to finish my collection), some CD's, books, the works, I suppose.
Rehab is going no better than it has been, and more and more people are joining the Day Hospital program that are in better shape than I am. It's too depressing. I need something worthwhile in my life and it just doesn't seem to be happening, in more ways that just my disabilty.
I need more cloves. I ran out again, just bought two packs at the Cherry Hill Mall on a Day Hospital outting. They ran out quick. And I fnished the Black's first, too, my favorite kind. Partly because they are better, and partly because I wanted to finish my lesser favorite "Specials" because I'd have less of a taste for them when they ran out, making me more able to wait until I get some more. Hopefully there is a Cigar Shop at the KoP, or I might have to wait until Monday, or even Thursday to go to South Street in Occupational Therapy to get some more.
I updated my webpage at http://www.neo-anime.org/~dclark. A new look.