So, apparently I really need to get up the courage to go out and stuff, and to actually meet people.
I'm told confidance is a turn on. I'm always too shy to actually approach a girl and say hi, or anything. Even if I did, I feel like she wouldn't be interested.
What about any of you girls out there. What would you think if I came up to you somewhere and said hi, out of the blue? Wouldn't it be obvious I was interested in you, or something?
...or is that the point?
Would you wanna chat, and be interested back?
I'm told confidance is a turn on. I'm always too shy to actually approach a girl and say hi, or anything. Even if I did, I feel like she wouldn't be interested.
What about any of you girls out there. What would you think if I came up to you somewhere and said hi, out of the blue? Wouldn't it be obvious I was interested in you, or something?
...or is that the point?
Would you wanna chat, and be interested back?