Hello gorgeous people
how is everybody? having a nice week?
Well my week is going pretty normal i guess i could say that! i'm getting very bored at work, only people who have worked in call centers can understand my dilema
i really do need to find another job before i melt my brain anwsering phone calls from people who just want to treat you bad. :/
Anyway the day before yesterday i put my baby to work and i got a new tattoo made by him, hand pocked style! No machine eheh it was a very different experience!
I'll leave you guys with a pic of my beautiful new tattoo! Tell me what you think
I really love it, i'm just sad that i can't see it all the time cause its in the back of my neck, it is the first tattoo that i can't see all the time... so weird! lol
Well take care i've got to go to work
Be gooood

how is everybody? having a nice week?

Well my week is going pretty normal i guess i could say that! i'm getting very bored at work, only people who have worked in call centers can understand my dilema

Anyway the day before yesterday i put my baby to work and i got a new tattoo made by him, hand pocked style! No machine eheh it was a very different experience!
I'll leave you guys with a pic of my beautiful new tattoo! Tell me what you think

I really love it, i'm just sad that i can't see it all the time cause its in the back of my neck, it is the first tattoo that i can't see all the time... so weird! lol
Well take care i've got to go to work

Be gooood

Basicamente uma merd@ mas aprendi que tive que me aguentar bronca at encontrar outra coisa qualquer, mas tambm bom passar por isso para ganharmos "anticorpos".
J agora parabns pela tattoo, est brutal.
Best regards,